<Grievance> Horde - Mankrik| Semi-Casual | KSK Loot System

Come play with us! We are always openly recruiting mature, casual gamers looking for a place to call home!

Still having a blast in Classic! Come join us if you are still looking for a home!

Come ring in 2020 with Grievance!

Always recruiting casual friendly gamers! If you still need a place to call home give us a try.

I would love to!

Add me to discord and shoot me a message :slight_smile: nionya#7814

If you are still looking for a guild to help you out on your journey in Classic give us a try! :slight_smile: While we do raid, we try not to be entirely focused on raiding only. With a very active guild chat and Discord thee is usually someone around to help out with pesky elite quests or a run through a dungeon!

For more info add nionya#7814 to Discord :slight_smile:

Grievance is always openly recruiting. We are a family first casual raiding guild. We have sign ups for each raid and run them first come first serve on wed and fri 8p-11p server time. Invites go out starying at 7:30p. We have a group of awesome players who work together to rotate each other in and out so we can all see the content and get some loot.

So, do you have a full-time job, family or other obligations and can’t make raid every time, so lose your spot? You won’t lose a spot with us as no spot is guaranteed. Just sign up when you can raid and either get in or rotate with someone. :slight_smile:

We also have several leveling alts and would love to have more casual non raiders to help with leveling groups , dungeon runs, guild events etc.

Grievance is also a multi game community, so when you join you don’t just join a guild, you join a community and you are welcome to play with us in any game we have a presence in.

Add me to Discord for any other questions or to find out how to join us! Nionya#7814

I’ve been with Grievance for 6 years, these are some great people to game with. We’re always doing something whether it’s leveling, dungeons, quests, farming. Always willing to help with anything. Come and see what a great community is waiting for you with us here in Grievance!

I joined in December and it’s been a lot of fun! Great group of people and I enjoy listening to our main tank sing Spice Girls and anything else requested during MC! :joy::+1::heart:


Being in Grievance has really helped me along my seemingly never ending journey to 60. While I’m not yet able to raid (still grinding away!) I’ve been enjoying the banter in Discord and guild chat thoroughly.

These are a really great group of folks who are willing to help out guildies in so many ways. You’ll often have a full guild group (or more) running different instances nightly.

Not 60 yet? No worries, plenty of folks are on leveling still or on alts questing away.

Joining this guild has really strengthened my resolve and desire to be playing the game again after a long hiatus.


Come join a bunch of amazing people! We would love to have You

Hey, me again! Come join an amazing group of gamers. Plenty leveling, raid nights are web and fri 8-11 server time. Active guild chat and discord! Family friendly environment. Mature helpful folks!

We are gearing up for BWL right now. Lots of folks leveling alts. Very active discord.

Whether you’ve already done some Molten Core, are just 60 and gearing for raiding, or just like to level alts in a helpful and friendly environment, Grievance is a great place to be!

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Come join us! A great group of folks willing to help a guildie out, run instances, etc!

Listening to Discord on raid nights always has me rolling (still working my way to 60). Come join in on the fun!

We want you!

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Amazing group of folks here! If you are still looking for a home in Classic. Give them a shout! You won’t regret it!

Good times being had in Grievance. Weekly MC and Ony runs. Plenty of dungeon runs, lots of alts running around. Extremely active guild. Preparations under way for Bwl. Come join in, its not a guild its a culture.

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Still having fun hanging out with a great group of people in Grievance! :smiley: People in the guild are truly considerate and thoughtful, always putting in extra effort to help others.

And of course, our main tank sings! :rofl: He will randomly jump into your Discord chat channel and start serenading you, it’s awesome. :slight_smile: :heart:

Amazing group of friendly folks!

This guild is the epitome of working together and involving all members. Where you will never be punished for having a life outside of the game. Need to take a few days, a week, a month off? No worries we will be here when you return and you can hop right back itto all the group content. :slight_smile:

We are currently preparing for BWL but have plans to still run MC/Ony even after BWL is live, we wont leave people behind. Also many leveling and just having fun!

Come check us out if you still need a home.

Hey guys! BWL soon! Grievance is ready! If you still need a great place to call home, give them a shot, great group of gamers where real life always comes first and you never get left behind!