<GREYBEARDS> [A] Skeram Semi-Hardcore Raiding Guild

Good morning Azeroth! We are welcoming any players that want to dungeon and raid with us throughout WoW Classic =D.

Iā€™ll be online and on discord all day tomorrow if anyone have questions or want to chat.

PST Thevestian

Whereā€™s my ppl at?

Our Guild moved to A-Heartseeker, We are looking for the last players for our raid roster.

PST Thevestian in game or on discord for more information.

Whatā€™s yalls discord Iā€™m stalking Prac - old school friend. Been thru a lot in classic

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Hey Xye, I was on vacation and I couldnā€™t respond.

Hereā€™s our discord h t t p s://discord.gg/gp5P9zx

You can also reach him on Heartseeker-A, he still has the same name and everything. Guild name is The Greybeards

Dire maul coming out on the 15th! Finally some new content!

Still lfm excellent players

Quality players always wanted

75 minutes clears. Letā€™s go