Green eyes for void elves

Wrong thread, Cered!

I fully support this

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Whoa lmao relax holy cripes


i cant wait for silvermoon to be the main hub for midnight

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They were cosmically changed by the void, akin to how Trolls were transformed into the Kal’dorei by the Well of Eternity — or how the Nightelves were cosmically changed into the Nightborne by the Nightwell.

You could perhaps use the argument of yours to apply at High-Elves and Blood Elves since the only difference between them two is political — but the Void Elves on the other hand have been altered on a transformative scale. They WERE Blood elves, but they aren’t anymore … Ultimately they may still be Thalassian, but they are different from the rest of their kin now. :person_shrugging:

EZPZ request in my opinion and I have no idea what it would take to implement it, so it’s easy.

all that aside.

Small ask, added variety. If this were the DMV I’d move you forward.

Gonna be wild on Moon Guard with that sultry inn -wiggles eyebrows-

Certain people take this game and their favorite race way too seriously lol

This will happen in Midnight don’t worry.

why is your avatar a shadow?