Greater pyro out of control

I’m not sure what you’re getting at either then. You are claiming that the difference between high burst damage and high sustained damage is negligible, right?

If not then correct me- because that’s certainly what your last post appears to indicate.

because the “burst” from GPB does not appear from nowhere, it takes a time investment to cast it. the 40k damage taken won’t happen for a bit again giving the healer time to heal someone up. the only difference between GPB and reanimation is the size of the chuck of damage done, not the rate at which its done. this means that to 100-0 someone with just these two spells will take the same amount of time, and it takes the same amount of healing to counter (>10%/second)

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It means giving up a significant amount versatility in favor of being good in one very specific scenario. It’s not that different from the Trinket+AP+PoM+Pyro mage of yore – they’re a force of reckoning in one circumstance but nearly useless in others.

This is where you’re 100% wrong. You’re factoring in the cast time as when they’re taking damage. In total time gp combo probably takes longer. The actual instant when they all hit is actually instant though.

The gp travel time along with meteor fall time allows the fire mage to hit with all their damage at the exact same time. 100-0 in less than 2 seconds. As I said, literally nobody but a ret can do that.

Total time set up might be the same but the actual damage/second is waayyyy higher as fire mage.

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but that damage took even more to implement including skill in timing meteor. both are counterable (don’t stand in meteor and interrupt GPB)

i can also grip you into a group of 5-6 zombies while hitting apoc with 4 wounds on you. you’ll die just as fast as you would against a mage, you’ll also be stunned the whole time too. doing that requires skill and situational luck, same with the mage stacking their spells, and its easily counterable, just like the mage setup.

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I assure you man it does not take skill :joy: you literally press your buttons in a row… Also we’ve been talking about teams, try getting out of meteor when stunned.

Also there really isn’t much counterplay… It all hits at once. Xaryu has been doing focus gps into kidney meteors and its savage. You don’t know who the gp is going to hit until it’s half way there. You die in a dragons breath on the healer after the go goes off.

It takes more set up for sure. Still zero cost thanks to all the schools of magic though. And the rate of damage is nowhere near the same. Only ret.

PS I’d love to duel you simply to see the damage you’re talking about. I’ve never seen a dk get close to the same burst. Good pressure for sure but zero burst…

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dying from solid teamwork is pvp working as intended.

there aren’t many of us running reanimation because its a finicky spell that is pretty easily countered. i mostly use it for disrupting heals/casters in large group fights because of the range and AoE stun aspect. but each one does 10% of target’s health in damage and they stick around for 20 seconds. so you get enough of them out and relatively grouped and all it takes to ruin someone’s day is a deathgrip.

Okay, so now it’s a fire mage using gpyro set up burst along with a rogue applying a six second stun that is the problem? Maybe kidney shot should be removed from the game instead. :wink:

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Also, kind of predictable and easy to counter provided you have cooldowns (unless a rogue also has you in a 6 second stun with no trinket, or paladin has you in an HoJ with no trinket, or etc. :P).

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Sorta? As I said above xaryu has taken to focus casting it. Makes it super hard to predict for healers. See sacks and pain suppression on the wrong target half the time.

Also everyone else is bringing up team work so I thought I could too, my bad.

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It’s obviously an issue in arena. You can see the class representation on the ladder to see it’s an issue. I think you’d find a lot of agreement on the arena forum.

I’m just not seeing it as an issue in bgs really. :slight_smile:

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QFT. When are casters getting Disarms back? Every caster spec should have a Disarm + Caster DPS should all passively have interrupt resistance.

They’re giving MW a disarm in 8.1, which is pretty cool. I think that’s the first time a healer has had a disarm. It’s a PvP talent, though, so it might not get taken too often.

Mistweavers already have a disarm

Greater pyro isnt such a big thing. Long cast time, easily interuptted, and if interupted locks the mage out of their primary spec for short time.
Yes…true if four of them are casting it on you what are you going to do? but honestly how often does that happen? If you are honest with yourself and us…not often or at all.

My biggest problem with greater pyro and mages in general…is blink cast. This should not be a thing.

So you’re telling me out of 3 people, nobody can do anything? Use a defensive vs combust?

You’re blaming an ability before player variables.
Listen to yourself.

So 3 globals and a long travel time isn’t enough reaction time to use something?

ht tps://w ww.just park. com/crea tive/reaction-time-test/

I’m glad you take pride in 2k when it’s almost 2019.

Imagine in 26 seasons of PvP over 13 years and people are still dumb-founded when a glass cannon can free cast their longest and hardest cast and it does a big number which makes their brain go :scream:

People listing mage defensives but nobody ever brings up any class they’re casting gpyro on, not to mention terrain and 2 or 9 other team members.

yah but that’s easier for derp brains to calculate. the bigger the number the bigger the mind-boggle.

then press W in the opposite direction? :scream:

so when he’s back into fire thats 4 seconds left of the poly if it’s a melee kick, 1 second if it’s a cs and all you have to do is stop the re polly.

Team coordination still exists even in the most simplest of PvP seasons.

says a lot if the people complaining about it most in this thread are warriors and shamans lol.


Lol dude you say I have team mates that should stop it and like everyone else in here pretend the mage has none to help him get it off. Classic argument style, I like it. Not like my mage can be in his own 3s poly after a dispel me in a cheap shot or a hoj and the kill target in a kidney.

Sure depending on the situation, but oh wait the rmp got most of our CDs in the opener… Lol

Once again classic argument of ignoring all other arguments. I purposely compared it to cb. They’re both big nukes but cb actually has some cost. Kick it and they’re locked on all schools and lost shards if grounded or reflected. Also the defensives aren’t conparable, mage >warlock. Classic arguments you continue to have though.

Glad we agree, sad you can’t see it works in the mages favor too.

Glad to see you’re toxic af and I can ignore you now :+1: peace.

Sac is useless as this spec. You’re shooting yourself in the foot.

Side note. Nawat I’m 2.3-2.1k depending on the bracket. Take you drunk self home.strong text

Eh works for me in randoms.

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So not that much higher than me and I don’t like to drink sadly… Feel like I should though after this thread.

What comp do you play by the way?