Great "Bug Fix"

And its been down for over an hour for “small fixes” Einstein and not to mention letting players in, only to boot them off and never allow them back in. They cant help but screw up all the time. If you deny that your just making yourself look like a fanboy mate and tbh your not even worth the reply but here it is

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You’re late.

NOT TRUE, i did not get to experience the nostalgia of the crouching while loot bug AT ALL while I was leveling 1-5.


Wow man, remain calm. This is a stress test…



Hotfixes take minutes to apply and once the servers are being shown as available they should be available, you can refer to other posts people are getting booted and never allowed back in. So why are they even open servers, some people ingame cant even cast spells. The irritation is stemming from a nonfunctioning state, yet they are showing the servers as open and running.

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Did you not read anything there?

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Are you implying that he can read? You’re thinking too highly of him.

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jesus i must be

Well I dunno… this could be due to the fact that they are limiting the amount of people from certain regions. This thing wasn’t designed to be up the whole time for everyone.

Stress Test: Working as Intended

Why you all so angry, mad, argumentative towards one another…

Just relax, take the dog around the block, have a smoke, shower…

Be nice, it’s the Classic way… All this arguing belongs back in the BFA section.


Not worth the effort to reply to this guy, hes obviously been stuck in his mums basement too long. Maybe if he whines enough on the forum something might magically fix itself :laughing::laughing::laughing:

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With the way it’s causing some people stress, I’d say the test is going marvelously.


I know right. How dare Blizz flush out stress related issues in a stress test. Clearly a stress test launch should work perfectly and a pre stress stress test should have been done. Then no one will complain about server stress failures in that test right? right?

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This is the true authentic vanilla experience. :wink:

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for the people saying “This is the purpose of the stress test… relax bruh” a big LOL to you. 99% this is going to happen when the game is released, maybe even worse.

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Cept this is a NA server so it should be up when its functioning yes? If they are limiting people, they should not have the servers open they should be locked or closed. and also it was designed for precisely that, they wanted as many people as they could but they cant even prep for that. They just made more problems when they did the restart…

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^ This man right here knows.

It’s seems to have just broken for people who were playing before the bug fix, my friend who just got home from work logged on just fine. Someone try and delete your toon, maybe that’ll fix it.