You on Earthfury?
“U mad bro? Huh, huh? U mad? U mad brah! LOL U mad!”
I bet you type with Dorito fingers.
I wish I had some Doritos… maybe i’ll get some on the way home, what flavor you prefer bud? Maybe i’ll buy you a bag.
Raids are way too easy to be considered endgame content. You need BGs to get resilience gear to not get your butt handed to you in arena.
Raids are end game content… it’s easy now because we’ve all done this stuff before, so surprise. You don’t truly need pvp gear at least not the current gear.
Looking at a 13 year old game as “end game content” is completely missing the point of playing said game. If you came here to be the number one ranked TBC classic player and for the world to bow down to your might and give you 100k twitch subs, I have some bad news for you…
The raids being easy isn’t too much of an issue but farming them will get boring after a while if you don’t push for logs. This means PvP needs to fill that void. You also don’t need any blues or purples to clear T4 but they sure help out a lot.
So what you’re saying is… wow. That’s just what wow is… its a grind. PVP is fine, you just want to be able to que into games faster… we all do and blizzard needs to fix that.
I agree, Blizzard should have wiped honor points at the launch of TBC to remedy that huge disparity in what is - for lack of a better term - a competitive environment.
However, introducing something like merc mode is not a proper solution - because it WILL have a negative effect on the long term stability of the game.
I am honestly not sure paid faction changes would actually fix the problem, either. Players would take it and transfer their guilds to alliance favored servers, then displace those servers the same way horde dominated servers are displaced.
The forums looked exactly how they do now back in P2.5 launch of Classic and horde survived, I know it sucks - but you can get 200+ resil without a single piece of BG gear and work your way up.
There is no solution here from Blizzard that is ever going to put players on equal footing with players who had full resil gear at arena launch and are now sitting on like 1k arena points as of reset.
It sucks but that ship has sailed.
Instead of just throwing out vague “solutions” you actually give some you have factual evidence behind that shows it will be a fix. So sick of these “They could have prevented it!” How exactly? Absolutely prevented people from rolling Horde period?
So i got some Nacho Cheese Doritos.
you “reroll” people are aggravating. leveling is incredibly repetitive, tedious, not exactly challenging. at least the 1-58 grind. TBC is better designed so i didnt mind 58-70 all that much.
i understand wanting people to do the game once. understandable. BUT repeatedly? give me a break. its an annoying time sink of content that has already been explored by the player.
im glad i didnt use my 1 time level 58 boost yet. i still could to :gasp: play with some long time friends who are horde. yes friends. friends are a real thing. alliance dwarf priest incoming. and YES i am glad blizzard put that in the game. id gladly pay money to skip content ive already done. you mmo/ rpg traditionalist are silly. do you take pride in your IRL nerd points?
yall had “no changes” classic. let the quality of life changes commence.
1 hour queues arent playable. and @ the mmo/rpg traditionalists “choices matter”. choices should matter IN GAME. like “do i wear more hit rating or agility”.we could expect 15-30 min queues from looking into it (not that you should have to be THAT involved in the community before even stepping foot in azeroth). 1 hour queues were not expected. 15-30 minutes is reasonable imo. people want to play the game. how many bgs do you expect a horde player to actually play if their time is constrained to anywhere from 1-4 hours a day (if that)?
i dont see what the big deal would be if there was a limited horde to alliance only paid faction transfer. would this solve the problem? maybe not, but it does seem like there is demand to take the offer. it does provide players with options that they can act on so they can play battlegrounds.
include dual spec for 1k gold in that too.
i dont see how either breaks the game. like i said we had no changes classic for the mmo rpg traditionalist players. good luck making an argument for no changes TBC when 1, we already have changes, and 2, TBC is when the game started to move away from a more traditional rpg/mmo path anyways. Blizz can make QoL changes that do not impact in game on a grand or meaningful level (58 boosts dont dmg the in game experience to any large degree).
people have real lives you sweaties. not 16+ hours a day.
i did it by rolling the chad faction
I wish people would stop saying this.
95% of horde play horde because they were originally horde or their friends are horde.
Most had absolutely no clue it would be like this. A significant amount didn’t even touch vanilla and used their boost to join in. You only get one boost.
I don’t either, honestly. Plus it’s fun to watch former Horde players run into Thrallmar out of habit.
There is no excuse for ignorance. I’m sorry, but with google, the forums, and 15 years of data, you have no one to blame but yourself. Period.
They are really annoying I agree. And the honor you gain is so pitiful. However, I just queue for 3 at a time and either farm ore or do quests for gold in between queues. You can still make the most of the time in some way it’s just obviously better to have faster queues for PVP when you want to PVP.
Goodbye retail tourists, it was nice to have you for the first 3 weeks (not really). Don’t let the door hit ya on the way out.
At the start of Classic they could have enforced faction specific transfers off of the mega servers to alleviate queues instead of just letting anyone who wants a free transfer take off.
It was an exponential issue, and the same thing is happening to servers that were at least healthy before TBC launch with Blizzard continuing to do nothing about it.
The solution was there - Blizzard just didn’t do it and for whatever reason continue to not do it.
Any time one side exceeds 65% of one faction, transfers to the server to that faction should be closed and free transfers off the server for that majority faction should be open - with free transfers for the minority faction remaining closed.
The issue now is a ton of dead PvP servers and most of the other faction being on PvE servers - and it’s only going to get worse every time a new xpac launches and Retail players flood the game for content before going back to Retail.
At some point Blizzard just needs to incentivize merging into a fresh server and heavily monitor who can go where with fair warning that X faction will not be able to leave or X faction will not be able to come in next day.
It’s more work than they’re willing to put in, and would take a long time for a very stubborn community to give in.
where was the evidence to suggest 1 hour?