Grats fellow Vulperans, number 1 AR and 8th most played race!

why am I salty exactly?
I’ve spent roughly 5 hours a day levelling a Vulpera to a point where they out level this character, a forum character, just to be upset that people might like them?

Sounds stupid and as if you’re clinging.

I main a Vulpera and they are my favourite race in the game (obviously)


People came here to be happy about Vulpera numbers and you couldn’t just let them be.

Look everyone knows we will never get the exact population numbers ever again and that’s no ones fault but blizzards. Just for now let people be happy with the small bit of information we do have…its all we got now.


I know, just funny to see some numbers

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At least when they reach #1 the Horde won’t be discount Alliance anymore (ie. blood elves).

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Well you see…mechagnome is locked behind dungeon content. Strike 1

New players now don’t even need to hit gnome Zone. Wq and corrupted gear will exceed the build your trinket not even 2 days after you get it.

My recent 120 alt went from boost to 415 trinkets in a day. Gnomeville for its 404 trinket…not happening.

And…8.3 content happens in content anyone can fly in. We don’t have to rush to fly in bfa when we are in Uldum or Pandaria most of the night.

Tl;dr…8.3 made gnome content in bfa pointless really for some players. We won’t be making mechgnomes soon.

Now foxes…rep runs, unlock and go. The fox revolution is real lol.

I expect them to be the next fourth popular played race in time.

Strike 1 is they are gnomes
Strike 2 they are trash gnomes
Strike 3 noooooooooo one wanted them.


That would put us only behind belves, nelves and humans…bold…i wouldnt go that far, but would be amazing if it happened.

It is a far big enough sample to get a pretty accurate picture of what is going on. It’s over 150,000. That is roughly 10% of our region.

This sample shows that 9 in 15 players are Horde. Every place we look it shows Horde dominating PvE and PvP.

It must get tiring to keep denying that the game is tilted in favor of the Horde due to bad decisions by Blizzard that keep compounding such as the AR choices.


No but it does get tiring hearing about how “bad the alliance has it”
We have “nearly half of the total playerbase but no one wants to do top 1% content”
“Blizzard needs to make it so we are not entitled”

I mean, does anyone really play anymore to make the data really viable…? Neat, though.

Now that realm pop is dead, there is no other site I trust anymore for population data. So I take this with a grain of salt.

I don’t trust those numbers given how small the sample size is.

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I got called salty for not trusting those numbers even though I main a Vulpera :stuck_out_tongue:
Some people just want to believe that they are in a majority.
Don’t know why though as it devalues a race.

Honestlyim hoping my mechagnome is one of the first 120 mechagnome priests on my server. I’ll be playing a rare race with a rare class lol.

(I love my mechagnome dont get me wrong.)

no i agree.
Its lame to just be a clone everyone you see.

I 100% believe those numbers are not accurate. Based on “every single other census site I’ve seen disagreeing with it drastically”.

Have you been leveling any chars lately? I am…7 vulperas through lvls 40-60 atm…classic dungeon groups are usually 2-4 vulpera, 1 zandalari, 1-2 other. So based on empirical evidence, im pretty inclined to believe the data because it’s exactly what im seeing in game.

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Considering that every census site showed that there were 2 void elves basically for every single other AR combined (before the Vulpera release), and this census data does not show that.

I am inclined to believe this particular site is not reporting the data accurately.

im levelling via questing and hardly see Vulpera at all. Even now in BFA content.
I go to orgrimmar and I see no more than 2 there.

It goes against everything I see in the game.