Graphics Card Problem

Hello, I updated my graphics card and everything, and I also out in direct x12 and the latest graphics card into WoW. Since 8.1 WoW looks terrible. EVERYTHING is up to date. WoW looks all pixely and off. All my other games are fine, and I have no clue how to stop this. (WoW is saying that my graphics card is not up to date, but it is) HELP

Howdy Magier,

Lets try changing the game to DX11 and see if that helps. System>Advanced>Graphics API set to DX11.

We’ve been seeing some issues with DX12 sense the patch which is why I recommend swapping to DX11 for now. If this doesn’t work please let us know.

Yes this worked, thank you! Why does dx12 not work? Will it be fixed soon?

Hey hey Magier,

The biggest thing we are seeing is with laptops, when they swap from the Intel card to the other GPU. Sadly we don’t have a ETA on a fix but it’s on the Dev’s radar and being looked into.


Ok, thanks. I am on laptop, so hopefully it will fix soon.

Hey hey!

You’re very welcome. I hope it’s fixed quickly to! Good luck in WoW and enjoy the new update!

Joynueer, do you happen to have more details as to what changed to cause this issue with GPU switching? Everyone I see is having the same issues that you just described here. All Laptops, all IntelHD along side another GPU, and the swap is failing to happen easily.

Did something fundamental change in how this all happens inside the WoW program? I know I use Catalyst Control Center to manage the swapping.