Got my epic mount my classic journey is complete

You actually outted yourself tho. I bet you’re doing laps in Silithus, now all I have to do is catch you slippin in the caves - you probably have some corny dead giveaway name too like “shadowstep” or “vanish”, this weekend I will find you :slight_smile:

Just like you can’t prove GDKP raiders swiped, see what I did there?

GDKP was far more of a gold sync.

See what I did there.

It needed to be banned.

Seethe bro.

It’s all good keep taking that dirty indo gold and brag about it on the forums champ.

I didn’t keep it I spent it.

What would you do if you saw a gdkp player IRL?

He is a swiper, dont let him fool ya

I would respectfully look them in the eye, and shake their hand.

Laugh at them.

Guys I love you both, just kiss already or let’s make a trio and farm gold together :wink::wink::wink:

You’d have to find out his character name for that to happen, which we all know can’t happen because… reasons.