Got Dcd, now stuck in DC loop

Do the reset dance:

If that doesn’t work then move on to a repair:

yea im not redoing all my custom settings cause blizz’s authentication servers are screwed, again.


Disable all addons and see if that fixes the issue

If not, open the launcher, click options, click “scan and repair”

Or don’t play at all. Your choice.

If you can explain how it is that my game runs fine all day, I do the raid, leave the raid, do a dungeon, and take a portal to oribos and DC then get stuck in a DC loop has anything to do with my addons, which havent changed today, then ill do it.


Try cache first, then interface, then WTF. Often it’s just the cache. And you can always move folders back if it doesn’t work.

Addons are in Interface and most likely aren’t the issue. It’s probably bad cache or maybe a bad saved setting in WTF.

Doing a scan and repair first, ill try the cache thing next, but Idk if it has anything to do with that atm. I think its just the authentication servers atm but well see.

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I don’t care. Do it or don’t.

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Scan and repair takes a long time and is least likely to help. Do the cache first.

Welcome to the maw

What does the mall have to do with it?

K, going nuclear at every problem isn’t smart

Definitely feels like im in the Maw, was having fun with my friends and got taken outta the game completely with seemingly no way back.

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Moving those folders is not going nuclear, it’s testing to see where the problem lies. They can be moved back and it’s a simple test.

If I find it’s an addon I do the half thing, move out half and see if it fixes it. Then I try half of the broken half, and so on. You can pretty quickly narrow it down to one.

Okay so I removed all 3, WTF Cache and Interface, and scan/repair, logged in and had same issue. Got any solutions?

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same. cant log in still :frowning:

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Jesus, do some research, their are post about this in technical support.

the hell you think im here for?

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You have a couple of choices:

  • check/post in the support forum
  • submit a ticket
  • uninstall/reinstall

It still might be something in your end. It might be your ISP, it might be a Blizzard issue. All we can do is try things on our end to rule those out.

This isn’t tech support, this is general discussion.

It might be this:

Latest Blue post:

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