Gorefiend Horde Reconnections

Samj - Undead Mage
SCH, baby!!! :smiley:

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hi i was kittyface the troll hunter
i got in redcell for like a month and i was so happy and excited and pretended like i was good at this game
i was in the short bus alsoooooooooooo
i love global chat


High Warlord Vorgothe, Orc Warrior. Guilds No Quarter and Red Cell.

Hope to see as many old timers as possible!

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Furiae - undead Mage.

I was in Warden, Red Cell, and a few others.

I always enjoying hanging out in Org doing campfire chats with whoever was around =)

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iyo childon add me on discord kuratard#2911 making a guild of old school redcell hat limbo warden and more got 70 so far ! for old school time sake !!! and anyone thats interrest !

Rolling with Kuratard,

Ralahast - Resto Shaman from (in order of appearance) Wings of Gold, Rune, Warden

Hit me up Wang#4931 on discord. Rolling with Kuratard’s crew

-Character: Gawane - Tauren Feral Druid, primarily bear tank.

-Guilds: Commoners Chest, Angry Mob, En Taro Adun, Malediction.

-People I’d like to reconnect with: Delinis - holy paladin. Cakefiend - prot pally. Fauler - holy priest.

During BC there was a 2v2 team that dominated; Ehto - resto druid and I think Terrorz - Arms warrior(those dudes were dope).

Crazyboy was the main tank/guild leader of Malediction that I cleared BT with, that was really cool.

Everyone in ETA and Angry Mob was great too, cleared a good bit of content with those folks.

We have a lot of old RedCell participating in the RedCell revival if you wanna stop in discord. Got the guild founder’s blessings. Will likely be able to figure something out.


Moofury - Tauren/Druid
Killagorilla - Undead/Warrior
Juicyfruit - Troll/Hunter

Street Corner Horde


Kolo - Troll Mage
RedCell mostly.


Tatijana or some derivative of such.
Not going to lie… I was mostly on alliance, but was so obsessed that I had two accounts so that I could play both sides.
Angry Mob … mostly just hanging on vent chat

Hey its Beav :smiley: hit me on Discord @ Cay#6428

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Howdy all, Mahila - Resto shaman from Hat/Angry Mob here.

Have a discord of the OG PVP grind/progress raiders of Hat/Limbo/Infamous/etc. If anyone is interested in joining for server coordination starting tomorrow, let me know and I’ll get a discord link out. Send your prior char name, faction, and guild in your discord message.


Tarou - Orc Warrior

Hojo - Undead Warlock
Savage Fury

Korlin, Nash! Good to see you guys, add me Hojo#1149

Hey Hojo! Long time no see. I’ll add you next time I get on.

I do remember you Ripper would love to reconnect


Will be making a guild on Thalnos called <KODO>

  • Your character’s name, race, and class:

Joklo, Troll Mage.

  • The name of your original guild on this realm:

The Good Bad and Ugly

  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with:

Anyone honestly
UrMamaHeals (TGBU GM)

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Looking for the Band of Chaos guys!

I was: Cinderis - Undead Warrior

Also looking for:
Jananna - Troll hunter
Beatrice - Undead Warrior

Discord: Narxim#7457
Will be playing on Whitemane PvP for classic with a pretty sizable guild. Would love to reconnect with you guys / gals!