Goons on Mankrik?!

I heard those SomethingAwful goons are on this server. Scary!

Goons? On Our Server?

It’s more likely than you think.

i don’t know what’s worse, that people pay money for gear and raid spots or that its happening in classic now too lmao

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That definitely isn’t jealousy I’m hearing, not at all!


little bees, little bees, little bees little beeeees…

Would you like to know about the subscription tiers? I can link the paetron.

goons helped me get to level 14 in an hour per level played. i already have all the gear i need to tackle ragefire chasm, you can’t go wrong with their support services

What can we do to secure our precious server from The Goon Menace?

who would pay to join a dead internet forum when awesome free online communities like reddit are TOTALLY FREE

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one time I paid to join an online internet forum it solidified my raid spot


having played vidja with both goons, and TEST POST PLEASE IGNORE, i believe goons are far superior in every measurable dimension.

width, breadth, length, wartiness, You name it goons got it.

Yo. We already have a goons on Mankrik thread. Bump!!!

I thought I saw a goon in Tanaris today

Goons are the worst

Yep, they suck a lot. Terrible, bad, good-for-nothing goons!!!
