[Good News] Pallies are finally going to be balanced!

Someone just Season of Discovered that they’re adding shamans to Alliance and Pallies to Horde. Tick tock, Alliance its only a matter of time before you get a taste of your own medicine :joy:

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ChatGPT post

Late to make this joke I guess.

But yeah, I’m pretty friggin excited if this is real. This is one of the biggest shake-ups to SoD, bringing these classes to the opposite faction.

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And with naxx gear being irrelevant and T1/T2 being essentially free they should be able to gear up quickly

I was the one that posted it on the Discoverers Discord :smiley:

There were like 5 NPCs added in this build that we haven’t found yet.

  • Beatrix (New version): Part of some event taken off the PTR
  • Eyepatch guy in Light Hope Chapel: Also apparently part of that same event

But more importantly the unexplained ones:

  • Archmage Kir-Moldir has a new version that is type Demon rather than human
  • Teo Hammerstorm, an NPC in retail in Coleridge Valley, he’s a shaman trainer. Sod just added him this phase, has a downscaled Classic model and everything. I checked on a level 1 Dwarf, found nothing in Coleridge or Ironforge
  • Gregory. Apparently Alliance have had this badass DK/Pally undead guy that broke free from the lich kings control, very cool story. Anyways, he got a new version this phase and nobody has found it. The last thing he said is that he wished to return to Loerdaeron to help those that wish to return to the light, something like that. I checked all over UC/WPL/EPL, nothing for Gregory. Funny enough there’s a rogue trainer named Gregory in UC. I’m betting he’s in the scarlet raid next phase

Tbh this is all probably next phase stuff


Excellent work discoverer!

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It’s still not balanced, though, is it? All it means is people will flock to make paladins, because of FOTM and that is very boring. I hope a nerf comes along with it.

ally been real quiet

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