Quiet Kevin. I’ll spank you too.
Still waiting for that duel
you can have any person in your community that isnt a dk lock or feral druid fight in your stead of you want
Torturekilla is afraid.
Charming died 1 v 1 with me last night. Mic drop.
Where is the video
You think I record anything? Nope. You were there. Fleurine was there. 15 of DJL were watching, laughing at you.
Pretty sure i 2 shotted fluerine in ioc today
I want an 1v1 with you vs Charming with no outside help on open ground, name a place, say Goldshire.
dude theres like 30 alli out in tanaris chasing me around lmao. this is hilarious
I was at Cavern of Time for 2 hours before Ruin came, killed like 200 Alliance players or more.
Unfortunately I accidentally murdered Professor Snowcrest, he suffered a long and painful end.
i didnt bother killing any. i dont get joy in over running a couple peeps with an army. but again these guys trying to build a rep off killing me. its hilrarious. i see a bunch usual suspects. and they flocked to me like flies on u know what. so funny
I already beat him. End of story. He stinks. 16 wins 4 losses since my last spy wipe of data.
Again 16 of those were 4v1s
You lie like a rug. I’m busy winning epics. 'Scuse me I got stuff to lead.
No, it was mostly Shadows of Death with a few pickups.
Long and painful end? I was rezzed by a teammate, lol.
Don’t crush the little Vulpera’s spirit… c’mon man.
So what are you saying, Alliance are the flies and you are the…comment deleted by Social Contract
I wouldn’t have known he was there if he didn’t tell me just now. I went back up to the portals to see if any Horde was still there…there were a few and I paid for it…lol.
He was awfully proud about it.