Good to see the delusion is still in full swing idk how you can take what she said and somehow turn it into anything even resembling positive toward you. That and u posted literally back to back wdym days
Isn’t the first quote in your little post above a thing she said to me? Yeah those lies aren’t going to fly here bud.
They were her flaming you hard
can u re write this? in english this time.
used to refer to two or more people or things previously mentioned or easily identified.
second person singular past, plural past, and past subjunctive of
used as the object of a verb or preposition to refer to a female person or animal previously mentioned or easily identified.
burning fiercely and emitting flames.
used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing.
done with a great deal of force or strength.
Is that easy enough for you to understand
now that u have learned definitions of words can u work on sentence structure?
You both fail punctuation.
If you can’t understand what it meant idk what to tell you.
u basically are saying someone was fan girling over me but u think their obsession with the great OG and their lack of ability to admit they know of me and are obsessed is going over my head.
[quote=“Bluster-area-52, post:160, topic:1360092”]
Always very confused when I see you talking about yourself in the third person on whatever new alt you decide to post with. Also very confused by the insinuation you make that literally anyone outside of maybe 20ish people that live in epic BGs and do nothing else know who you are, let alone that you have a brand. Really weird, tbh.
[/quote I don’t even know who you are outside of your garbage forum persona. How in your mind did you manage to twist that obvious denouncement into “fan girling” or anything even approaching it
That they have been following me long enough to assume I have multiple personalities on here and keeping tabs about the great OG. Was that’s explained easy enough for u?
Just because someone opens your thread and sees how obnoxious you are doesn’t mean that they know you or that you lurk in the back of their minds usually they will just laugh close the thread and read the next one. But for some reason you are so desperate for attention you think someone opening your thread makes you a celebrity
no the fact im already a celebrity on wow and they observed behavior from past events proves it
So from what people have said you became “popular” cause you trashed ruin frequently? Not exactly a hard stance to take
yes amongst other things.
Many many many people throw shade at ruin its not something thats hard or rare to do
There is an opening for a, “random guy, to be new locally sourced mall ninja, needed to generally loiter and hang around at the food court and annoy customers” in my home town. You should apply. I can give a stellar reference for you. But I would recommend you maintain eye contact with the patrons, when you’re making that unholy and frequent application of lip balm /macro thing that you do in Ashran when I try to solo you before you scram.
Didn’t you and that other druid who tried to 2v1 get clapped when a shaman showed up to even the fight
Oat is weak.
They said they need someone with top score on dance dance revolution who can maintain the said top score, while can wearing vintage black jncos. And have a fairly heavy chain wallet, that has a lot of used hot topic punch cards in it, lots of Chuck-cheese tokens, but not many actual legal tender coins, can you weekends? What does your mom say? Is the Honda Pilot a GO?
K-dog. Yes, you can come to. Toadies are highly encouraged.