Gonna start leaving premade bgs

how you grow a community is you look at who you run into game after game, if they are in multiple epic games, they probably like epics, if they are good, maybe you would like to play more games with them, so you add them to your friends list.

so what happens when you reach 4 friends? do you just stop? is that the limit of friendship?

am i supposed to tell friends who i play every day with “im sorry, we can’t play together anymore because it might hurt the feelings of some random neither of us know or care about”

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Yes, thats a random occurence and not a coordinated 15 man in voice coordinating their queue

5 mans are fine, knowing people is fine. Trying to intentionally get more than 5 people in at once (thus loopholing around blizz’s limitation) in the same bg is well above and beyond reasonable for randoms and what other random players should be expecting

If there are more people playing in DF then there will be more epic instances running concurrently which should help balance out, but sync queuing more than 1 group is :face_vomiting:


what if i had like 120 people all soloqueue at the same time to ensure the game is almost entirely SAS? what if we all naturally soloqueued and then got in voice?

Then you’re scum :+1:


yes because queuing beyond 5 people in your group is against the rules, it’s pretty obvious that it’s a problem judging by the number of threads made about the issue, and ive personally experienced it and it’s not fair or fun at all, go play rated BG’s if you want to game out with your friends.

rated is for hardcore play only.

u guys want me to merc and help u guys win some? since it seems the biggest gripe is getting steam rolled by premades i guess

and organizing 40 people is not?

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I don’t actually queue epics, i just disagree with queueing coordinated 6+ people

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if anything it just seems like petty jealousy, a game is a game and there will always be another, so its not about winning or losing, we have a community and they aren’t part of it and don’t have their own and think its not fair.

i swear ive seen u in ebgs before. maybe just regular bgs

no, its just tuesday. and wednesday, and thursday, and friday, and pretty much every day.

Just regular, i did 100 ioc in 2 weeks this year for khan and wanted to end it all

Occasionally my partner wants his epic win of the day for his 10th alt

ahh, well maybe thats it. i do recognize your name. seen u in bgs. but that kinda proves a point. i swore u ran with ruin. so by default because ive seen your name in bgs more than once i thought u were part of a community. but it didnt bother me.

There’s another active battlemaster that isnt me, he’s a warrior :stuck_out_tongue:

no i know it was u. a pally from guild oasis. ive seen u on map also in zm i think

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lol, absolutely nobody is jealous of epic BG premaders. There is nothing you do or accomplish that is worth being jealous of.


so then what’s the problem?

It’s been explained to you in countless threads, including this one.


i feel u might be a little jelly of me. not going to lie