This is a really good take. I know I usually wouldnt blink an eye if I had to relog or find a different NPC to finish a quest usually, but every time its just “one more thing broken” and I can’t help but be annoyed.
Exactly. I’ve been trying in vain to explain to these “Post constructive feedback don’t be a whiner” people in every single thread about why people are angry and how it came to be.
They ignore the part where people playing the game are human and this took a lot of time for the anger to build up. Which is why you see all these “smart” posters come in with “Post constructive feedback no one likes negative nancys”.
They are uninformed about the situation and even if you tell them and give them the context of how Blizzard ignored people, they still refuse to accept it and point the blame at the community.
At what point are people supposed to realize that they are humans just like Blizzard devs? Surely people can’t be mindless robots churning out countless feedback after feedback and feel grateful to being ignored.
What it ultimately comes down to is that I actually like Shadowlands quite a bit.
It’s problematic, and there are some shoddy decisions, but it is INFINITELY better than BFA.
So it’s funny to see such a hate-orgy over bugs.
Like, I get it, bugs suck, But at least we aren’t in BFA anymore.
But if you’re one of the players who hates shadowlands, and you get a buggy patch. I can see it.
See I like Shadowlands and think it has the potential to be good. Or I wouldn’t be subbed.
But we cannot ignore history in the favour of NOW.
This ignored feedback issue dates back for a few years but the time when it started being obvious was BFA 8.0 PTR.
Think about 2 years of this mess and then ask yourself “Is the community wrong for finally lashing out about being ignored”
I dont hate shadowlands. I hate what blizzard has turned into. BFA sucked from a design standpoint, but at least it more than not worked
If you’re mad about the BFA problems in shadowlands, it’s time to move on.
I have my issues, and you have yours, but BFA is over.
I was still hoping the faction divide would finally end, and get rid of the biggest problem this game has had since vanilla IMO. But it didn’t happen.
Sure I’m grumpy, I still want change, but I don’t freak out over buggy quests because of it.
If you’re lashing out over a buggy quest, and sending death threats to blizz and threatening to quit, then yeah. Maybe you need to think about what’s relevant instead of exploding over a 2 year old grudge.
Sometimes it helps to focus on the Now.
it’s not wow case. It’s not technical rare bug that sometimes happens (that’s an entire Tazavesh experience btw) - it’s game design flaw, clear to anyone who played mmo, same situation with chests - it’s an obvious thing that shouldn’t be that way from the beginning
No one’s grumpy about BFA.
Come on. You’re better than that.
The whole point is they have been obviously ignoring feedback since BFA. That has built up over a period of 2 years where now Blizzard have realized every single mistake they make is now being scrutinized under a huge microscope by the community.
It’s their fault for being in this situation in the first place.
I agree with this premise completely, but saying Blizzard wants to destroy WoW over a quest that was fixed in a few hours isn’t a good response.
Look man, We’re just gonna have to agree to disagree.
IF you really think that full scale doom saying over a buggy quest is justified. That’s on you.
No one is saying it’s justified.
How many times can you make the same mistake over and over again before anything you do becomes a cause for concern?
It’s common sense.
Haha sure, I can agree, but who’s to stop them
oh look, yet another quest completely horribly thought out causing people to grief or spam and hope they get credit.
Oozing with Character: Another example of either no testing or no care.
1 - An issue exists.
2 - People complain about the issue.
3 - Upon seeing complaints, the issue is fixed.
This is generally how it works in many things.
“The squeaky wheel gets the grease”
All that said… this stuff should have been addressed back in Beta and not during Live Beta, which we’re currently playing. It would be extremely generous to pretend it launched in a finished state with almost half of the rares having issues with spawns, the wagon just sitting there, mobs not giving credit, Rift mobs being non-interactve, the chest and shroom issues… I could go on, but while much of this has been fixed, it should most certainly never have gone live in this state.