Goldrinn, avianna, neptulon etc

Where are they? Why are they not helping save Azeroth from threats dangerous as N’zoth?

Maybe they are in the background, but they have limits as supporting characters. YOU are the Champion, the Hero of the story after all. Are you looking for reasons not to play?

Neptulon was behind the water wall in Nazjatar. Azshara’s magic prevented him from helping, along with other notable ocean beings who were blocked out. Aviana was seen during the Heart campaign where we helped her defend Hyjal. And Goldrinn was in the worgen heritage questline working with Tess.

I know what you mean though. It’s just kind of a thing of there being too many characters. Not all of them can get spotlight at all times. Many others would have an interest in stopping N’Zoth, but they can’t all be around or it scatters the story too much.

They were keeping it concentrated on characters in the Vale, Uldum and Magni’s crew because N’Zoth was only attacking those places.


I’m just a murder hobo. They need to cut out the heroism junk. Hopefully they kill us off in Shadowlands and we can pretend to be a lowly serf who doesn’t have to deal with Azerite.

Agreed. If Magni calls me “CHAMP-YUN” one more time im gonna puke.

Im just one of hundreds of thosuands of death knights.

There aren’t nearly that many. Death Knights were the elite of the Scourge, at most, canon wise probably no more than a couple of dozen.

“The Hear’t uv Azeroth! use it ta heal 'Er wounds Champ’Yun!”


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