>>>>>gold sellers<<<<<

Thanks, I actually didn’t know that was an option and was wondering how to stop this. I only had one of them pop up on me, reported them through a bug report with no other way of reporting them, and moved on. I’m going to do this right now. Big thanks!! :hugs:

Somebody is buying their gold. Which one of you is it that is creating this demand?


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for the record, i haven’t seen any invites yet, and i don’t even have that option turned on…least i don’t think i do. .-.

Then you my friend are lucky. Happens mostly in cap cities and level 1-10 zones in my 4 alt experience.

The problem is they don’t do anything about it, they don’t even ban them… if they actually did something about it and forced gold sellers to create a new account every time then it wouldn’t be profitable for them to sell gold after every subscription.

I saw the same gold sellers on my ignore list still standing there in stormwind every single day all through the Wrath expansion, they never got banned not once, Blizzard doesn’t listen to reports they only use automated systems and those only give them short silences and they come back.

It doesn’t help that Activision fired 800 (300 Blizzard) “non-development” roles this year, Blizzard probably has nothing left to deal with it, they can’t even spare 1 guy per realm to actually look at trade chat.

Give it time. Demand is still low, availability even lower. Most people’s only meaningful purchase atm is a mount, which isn’t THAT hard to save for normally. Wait till people want epic mounts, raid consumables, and raid wipe repairs. Then the gold selling will really swing into action.

I’ll do the same I do with telemarketers when I’m bored. Keep the talking for 45 mins wasting their time :joy::joy:

Cheers, enjoy Azeroth

I’m surprised I’ve gotten only one gold spammer invite since launch. Grobbulus seems pretty clean of spammers from my experience.

welcome to classic. There are starving people farming and selling gold to live. This was gone in retail because you could buy gold from blizz. This isn’t going anywhere. Do not buy gold whatever you do. It ruins the economy of a server. It is also banable. Just report them

I agree.

but there is a problem with Classic, it is not as busy as Vanila was. I used to go in AH on any of the cities and there would be like 40-60+ people in at same time. And some classic servers right now it is almost empty. This is not good as the AH activity does play a Huge role in Classic econimics, and works best with mor epeople selling and bying and consuming.

You will not make Cash from quests while leveling because skills are so expensive. So there is a disparity which causes economical issues to players.

The gold Sellers are taking advantage of this disparity.

So we may actually need some type of “Daily Quests” in to classic to address the issue.

Are you reporting it, every time it happens? You really have to if you want them to be able to isolate the bad apples.

Holy necro, Batman.

This particular method appears to have been fixed. I haven’t gotten a random channel invite in quite some time.

BWAHAHAHAHA, no, no we may not.

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On which server do you play? Mine is not that populated and it is difficult to make money just from quests, without relying to selling mats and craftables in the AH.

If I am having issues I am sure others are too, I played vanila leveled many characters I did not have these issues then.

My main realm is Mankrik, which is definitely on the over-full side. (I play both factions.) But I also play on realms and factions that list as low population. I’ve not had issues making gold. My level 14 tauren warrior on Sul’Thraze has all his skills so far, and almost 2g.

Questing isn’t what I rely on for gold. The real trick is to learn which skills to not buy (depends on class and what talent build you go for). I rely on gathering professions and vendoring everything I can.

And sometimes I go without. Of my three 40+ on Mankrik, only the warlock has a mount. (Partly because I support alts, so I send a lot of stuff by mail that otherwise I’d have sold.) The other two 40+ have about 20g between them and both have paid for the riding but not the mount. They’re earning more now that they’re into the 40+ quests.

Gold sellers aren’t taking advantage of the gold disparity. They’re taking advantage of self-centered people who want things without working for them and don’t care how it impacts the game. Those people wouldn’t want to do Daily Quests (too much work), but the gold sellers would (amplifying the problem you think it would solve).

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Blame the community. If people didn’t buy gold, there would be no market for it. So, lots of people are buying gold. Track them down too.

Yet this is not what has hapened in retail.

History shows that once people had a convenient way to generate gold the gold sellers went out of business.

Right click on the chat tab and go to settings on the list on the left side click other. then on the right you will see more options like combat, pvp, other, creature messages. under other you should see one called channel, Un check it …and like magic never be notified it has blocked an invite again.

You actually think gold-selling doesn’t exist in Retail? It does. No idea WHY, but there are people out there willing to risk their accounts to buy gold from a shady website rather than buy a token. (Based on the fact that people STILL complain about their unfair account ban, only to have CSR not-so-gently point out that Blizzard isn’t stupid and can see who they got their gold from.)

History shows that nothing, absolutely nothing, has ever stopped some people from being willing customers to the gold-selling filth.


they have been “working” on it the last 15 years. I bet when they ban to many bots they lose money. have to hit that sweet spot. where people think blizzard cares. very hard.