Gold is gold!

And I’m willing to do business, even with the Horde!

But our cross-faction auction-house is a tad underwhelming. In fact, there are but 150ish auctions on it as of this very moment. We can do better! I wanted to buy a cockroach and a snake, but there were none to be found.

In the spirit of invigorating the economy between our two parties, I have posted nearly 8 stacks of shellfish for a gold a piece! You Hordies buy them and turn them in in Desolace for 2G 20S per 20! That’s an unheard of 120% return on investment. Now that’s what I call a win-win.

In the meantime, I’ll keep checking for pets.

UPDATE: It’s starting to work! We’re up 25 listings today. And, I bought a snake! Thanks for listing it, Shiftabull.

UPDATE 2: 2 stacks of shellfish sold. I put the rest up in stacks of 5, just in case some of you only want to do the quest turn in. 25 silver per stack for 55 silver return. Enjoy!

Also… any horde want to post red fireworks recipe? That would be great.

UPDATE 3: I sold out! Do you hordies have any requests for alliance stuff?

Lmao this is hilarious. If you need anything still lmk I’ll try to help out

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