Gold Boosting



I didn’t know that Thousands were bigger than millions.

Well hopefully you can go back and take it because you’re pretty far off the mark.

Like we get it AMatox you’re upset you got outted for buying a boost to 226 gear after failing all xpack to earn it.

So way back in 2015 when WoW still released subnumbers WoW sat at 5.6million worldwide. So go back to its height thats a hefty loss from its 7mil, or the wild claim some made of 14mil.

Now after that they stopped posting sub numbers. However before SL launched most data pointed to WoW in 2020 having Around 4.88 million subs. Which is roughtly a bleed of 800,000 subs over 5 years.

Using the most basic of reasoning shows that WoW been on a downward trend since its old height. It has spikes of growth around every xpack, but it loses them. (As we’ve already seen in SL) and fails to grow afterwards. As we’ve seen for over a decade of WoW financial reports.

So idk I mean I guess you’re doing a lot of projection there since you’re not doing any actual reading beyond what a content creator pushes back at a report. Try not being a mouth piece and looking at the numbers yourself.

  1. I was 2200 all season using LFG exclusively. I qued with my friend and went 2.2-2.4 and then 2.5 next time and then 2.7. so I had 226 already and didn’t buy a boost. The only people parroting that are 1400 idiots that hide on classic alts. Obviously the game bleeds subs it’s 16 years old you monkey

He never got boosted, he played with an old friend that was better than him at the game to get it which is fair.

I also got my 180 lock to 1.8k recently with a 226 iLevel childhood friend and we had zero issues climbing, which proves that gear disparity and boosting isn’t really an issue at all.

It’s ok for people to have friends to help them, nothing wrong with that.

what are u even trying to say

the amount of total players that have participated in arena this season is basically public information

idk where you’re getting millions but we’d have to basically triple to get A million

I’m taking his point as, the 5 streamers doing viewer carries are making 1400 hardstuck players quit by the thousands

I wouldn’t be surprised if they sold rating on the cash shop soon.

Gotta give execs another 200m payout after all while they fire employees

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People act like this is such a bad thing when they would do the same thing if they were execs, if I was in Bobby’s shoes I would’ve gutted this game even more for profits seeing as people are okay with playing and defending high quality non-content.

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Imagine taking that out of context to make a point. Lmfao.

I am one of this games most vocal critics.

It’s a not a “conspiracy theory” what even are you talking about? the whole point of them implementing tokens was a way for them to cash grab a piece of the RWT pie. someone buys $20 token, sells it for gold, uses gold for carry. this is why carries are more prevalent than before, people who wouldn’t even consider buying gold because it was from a sketchy website are now open to the idea because it can come directly from (and back to) Blizzard. less back end work managing RWT account bans and more importantly nets a complete profit.

what are you arguing though? that wow has less players now than it did 10 years ago?

yeah wow will never have as many players as it did in wrath
i don’t think anyone would or could argue with that

but that doesn’t even really have that much to do with the content of then and now

And what would you do as an Activision Exec? Not make the $200 mill bonus and just put that money back into the games and communities that built the brand in the first place? This is America, get real.

This is what seems like a conspiracy to me, why would they even need to do this when Classic & TBC bring in wayyyy more subs than anything retail has to offer? I feel like people never take that into account, they don’t need gold tokens for revenue when subs are fine the way they are with their classic servers.

Ignore butt buddys amatox and rankedone. They have their noses up Blizz butthole and are enjoying the boosting scene with both of them having their “friends” help them gear Lool.

I feel they may be conjoined twins each typing furiously on their phones whenever a Anti Bliz post comes up.

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Like look at the context? Dang man its right there lmfao. Here I guess I’ll do it for you?

If you can’t understand the context of that right there. I can’t help you. Beyond that lets not pretend that the pvp crowd didn’t grow extra big for people trying to push gear as fast as possible and RBG’s being the best way to do that for both PVP and PVE content.

You gotta do a lotta mental gymnastics and ignoring a who lotta pver posts about this to make an argument against that.

Hey man if you bought a boost who cares. Boosting is great. I also plan on trying to hit at least 2100 and getting boosted by tich friends to glad.

My reply literally explained it. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s free money and less work for Blizzard. Any company with a primary goal of making money or common sense would make this decision. It would be beyond stupid not to. What’s there to not understand?

“We make money from subs, so let’s not make more money, allow RWT to take all the profits, and have to hire more employees dedicated to issuing account bans for RWT”

no one with a brain would ever say this.

Wrong :slight_smile:

A lot of people hated PvP in BfA days due to it being very long dampening matches, with the new PvP system as well as how fast paced matches are, it made the game a lot more exciting hence why AWC got the highest viewership it ever did this season.

Sure people can cry all day about stale meta or w/e, but an overwhelming majority of people prefer this over dampening hence why this season is popular.

You have to forgive him, he’s a communist. He doesn’t understand how businesses work in a capitalist society.

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He’s also a 15 year old with zero financial sense