Going to Deviate Delight to live the dream

Grobbulus is an awesome server.


Nice projection, m8.

Coming in and trying to stir drama here and getting insecure about us trying to do the same in ur subservient, afterthought server?


Ok dude, Iā€™m not the one hiding behind a retail alt :joy:

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I am not upvoting myself with alts. I dont need popularity votes in this forum; neither I needed them on Emerald Dream.

This is not a propaganda. I am not asking a single person to follow me. Also, whats the point of having a server with ā€œhigh populationā€ if all you see if layering after layering? I rather be in a server with enough people to NOT use that feature.

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You gals have the right idea. Hope to see you under a red name soon!

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99% sure this whole thread is a troll/bait


Donā€™t worry, even though heā€™s accusing you of using alts, Ezix is Grozzoh defending himself with an alt, talk about ā€œprojectionā€ :rofl:

His claim was already quashed with FACTS and LOGIC, heā€™s got nothing left to resort to but more lies and insults lol

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i dont even know what the layer stuff isā€¦ i see people do it all the time but dont understand it

Did you know that if you capitalize words, they become more meaningful?

Back to your dead DD server now, son.

Deviate Delight is for the weak.


Layering is a phase server where you can only see and interact with other npcs, herbs, veins, and players on the same layer as you. Most servers right now have less than 10 layers. (The low populated ones are in the less than 3) The requirement to move to a new layer is to join a group of someone on your server but who is on a separate layer than you.

The benefits of layer are less people competing for the same named NPCs and profession resources. It also disributes the load on the server since less modules can interact with each other at a time. This system was created to help reduce server stress. The big thing to note, blizzard has stated again and again that they are going to merge all layers after phase 1. So unless they fail to find a way to support that, we will all be able to see each other sometime in the near future.


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ok Grozzoh, keep hiding on your retail alt to support your own opinions lol

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My, my. Look at all the defeatists.

If anyone considering transfer wants some facts rather than the childish nonsense going on here.

I run census on each faction on both servers to compare. If you want info on population

DD has around 3000 people online on each faction during prime time.
Grobbulus reaches 7000 on each faction (thatā€™s when it goes ā€œFullā€)
Balance on DD is around 53A - 47H

Several people went to DD discord claiming they transferred to get away from Grobs toxicity, and have voiced that DDs community is looking much better. Whether you find it toxic or not is up to you, but this is what happened.

Other than that, I expect DDs numbers will grow a bit more now with transfers.


You wonā€™t be missed.

I find that this thread is becoming quite immature. People decided to leave, let them leave, no point wasting your time harassing them about it. At the same time, the people coming from DD to post here is starting to look a little desperate. I get it, we are all really enjoying Classic and are anxious to make sure we settle on the right server hoping it wonā€™t end up dead. Coming here and tangling with the idiots that canā€™t just let people leave without trying to kick them on their way out is just as immature. It doesnā€™t exactly make your server look like some non toxic shangri-la. You got Huntress, be happy, they are quality people.

The only thing I will say is that attempting to judge what the community will be like on either server barely two weeks into the game is a foolā€™s errand. To say there isnā€™t amazing roleplay going on a large scale is to admit you have not been following what the dwarven guilds of Clan Battlehammer and Clan Hammersong are doing. It means ignoring the Keepers of Stromgarde that are setting up in Arathi. As one of the DD players pointed out, there are over 7,000 on each faction here on Grob during prime time. That means there are a ton of people you havenā€™t even met or been exposed to either cause they are somewhere else in this big world or on another layer. Even at 3,000, same goes for DD. There are just so many people out there.


Pretty much pot calling kettle black.

That was funny lol

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The gatekeepers (didnā€™t even know of this or if itā€™s true), blizz, whoever, arenā€™t doing a thing about the non-RP on this server. I imagine this is what a non-RP server is like and my god itā€™s horrible. Itā€™s ridiculous Blizzards enforcement of the naming policy pretty much uses the players as itā€™s only line of defense. Iā€™ve never reported so many players/guilds before. I have to leave gen chat up to pick them all off and donā€™t get me started on the trash Iā€™ve read.

Iā€™d take an opt in opt-out option at this point. People too dumb to figure out what RP-PvP means can at least opt out of it when they create a character. So for us who opt in the name could be vetted and for those who opt out youā€™d only see ā€œRace/Classā€ ie ā€œUndead Warlockā€. Then just shield my bleeding eyes from the derpy guild names and weā€™re good.


Thank you Kasmare, you and the guild were nothing but sweethearts to me. One of the few great things this server hasā€¦ i luv ya all

That is untrue