Goes to Eleven Server

Invite more pvp beta testers because the idea only M+ and now Raids are being tested simply isnt right. Everything should be tested not just PVE content. The servers are so laggy and buggy after patch today needs some attention bad

Beta is accessible to all who want to spend the extra cash.
And they just got done doing PVP testing like 2 weeks ago.

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As Galedron said, you missed the PVP testing.

If they need further data they might open it again. But for now, they got what they needed.

Yeah thats how they treat PVP 1-2 weeks and PVE months. Sad honestly :frowning:

This is mechanical stuff, not balance/tuning. That hasn’t begun yet. If all the mechanics in the BG are working as intended, they don’t need further testing. If M+ affixes get finalized, they’ll stop testing that too.

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All I know is right now this patch is seriously messed up bug filled and DCing all the time

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Not every build is stable unfortunately. My concern this build would be that they’re going to be out probably from tomorrow through Monday for the holiday, so stability issues will last for the week.

They should be releasing a patch fix today. No one should be leaving that office today till there is a patch fix even if its a late night. Yes you’re right if this doesnt happen we maybe plagued for days with this 399 version patch

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Uh… GL with that. This isn’t live realms, there’s no obligation to have stability sadly.

Maybe they want us all watching The Great Push!

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jesus christ, calm down kotick, it’s just a video game

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It’s so kind of you to volunteer to stay the night before a holiday and write, implement, and deploy this magical “fix” that you want.


Well at my job as a chef we get late customers we stay till the job is done so whats the difference. I don’t leave my work half assed 100% and complete

In this analogy, you wouldn’t be cooking for paying customers. You would be cooking for thousands of customers in a preview of your restaurant’s menu, while the kitchen is still being outfitted.

And they have millions of paying customers and $90 beta access for a ton atm so yeah

paid beta access was a mistake

Beta Access was just a bonus.

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It was paid for as a package not a bonus it was a selling feature

And it shows how many expected “beta access” to be some super stable fully working early access server.


no expect them to fix mistakes not hard to understand. Understand Beta

And? It’s still Beta bro and based on your posts it appears this is your first time testing.

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