<God Tier Gaming> | Alliance | Central NA – PvE | Social + Raiding

Looking for folks who love to grind professions!
As always please let us know if you have any questions via Discord, and our Discord can be joined here: discord.gg/UZCPpQg

hello everyone, i am in interested in playing Shadow Priest in classic
i know there only a few raids that allow 1 per raid if guy havent gotten a core Shadow Priest please sent me message or add my b-tag ultraka#1812

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Message us on Discord:

Discord Usernames: Dom6#6515, Dia#8248, Orae#1152

Recruitment Update We are currently looking for 1-2 more for each class. Anyone who is interested in reputation as well is welcomed as well and could be an asset for our Guild!

Discord: discord.gg/UZCPpQg

Recruitment Update 6/10/2019

Looking for around 1 more of each class, couple folks moving and shifting around. In need of Rogues, Warlocks, and Hunters the most though (probably 2 of each of them).

Discord: discord.gg/UZCPpQg

Currently chatting about E3 and various game announcements this week. Theorycrafting around debuffs, hit%, and more recently.

Hope to see you here!

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Bump! We are looking for every class still and players who are committed to playing through all of the content Classic has to offer. Our MT/OT spots are full, but we are still currently accepting every class and role!

For any questions, feel free to join the Discord directly to ask them, or message me directly on Discord at Dom6#6515 (additionally, two of our officers are Dia#8248 and Orae#1152 who can also answer questions in my absence)

Discord: discord.gg/UZCPpQg

Note: Our Discord may look big and full, but we have a lot of friends and family, social folks, as well as some who are playing some various games with us. Don’t be shy, come and hang out, ask questions, etc! :smiley:

Bump! We are looking for every class still and players who are committed to playing through all of the content Classic has to offer. Our MT/OT spots are full, but we are still currently accepting every class and role!

For any questions, feel free to join the Discord directly to ask them, or message me directly on Discord at Dom6#6515 (additionally, two of our officers are Dia#8248 and Orae#1152 who can also answer questions in my absence)

Discord: discord.gg/UZCPpQg

Note: Our Discord may look big and full, but we have a lot of friends and family, social folks, as well as some who are playing some various games with us. Don’t be shy, come and hang out, ask questions, etc! :smiley:

Might have more luck in the recruiting section now.

Bump! We are looking for every class still and players who are committed to playing through all of the content Classic has to offer. Our MT/OT spots are full, but we are still currently accepting every class and role!

For any questions, feel free to join the Discord directly to ask them, or message me directly on Discord at Dom6#6515 (additionally, two of our officers are Dia#8248 and Orae#1152 who can also answer questions in my absence)

Discord: discord.gg/UZCPpQg

Note: Our Discord may look big and full, but we have a lot of friends and family, social folks, as well as some who are playing some various games with us. Don’t be shy, come and hang out, ask questions, etc! :smiley:

Bump! We are looking for every class still and players who are committed to playing through all of the content Classic has to offer. Our MT/OT spots are full, but we are still currently accepting every class and role!

For any questions, feel free to join the Discord directly to ask them, or message me directly on Discord at Dom6#6515 (additionally, two of our officers are Dia#8248 and Orae#1152 who can also answer questions in my absence)

Discord: discord.gg/UZCPpQg

Note: Our Discord may look big and full, but we have a lot of friends and family, social folks, as well as some who are playing some various games with us. Don’t be shy, come and hang out, ask questions, etc! :smiley:

Why join a guild that can’t even post in the right forum section? Big red flag.

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This post predates the new recruitment forum. We just accidentally bumped the wrong one.

Current recruitment forum post here: <God Tier Gaming> | Alliance | Central NA – PvE | Social + Raiding