Goblin Priest Analysis

What makes a goblin priest work? How exactly should they be portrayed?

Use of the Light seems to require faith and willpower. If a goblin wanted to heal someone strongly enough (whether for coin or because they care) and had faith in the Light’s ability to do so, would it answer their call?

I’d also think that goblins would be natural “Discipline” priests, not for thinking it’s important to have balance, but rather for seeing how the Light and the Void can be useful toward their ends. I’d think them less prone to the extremes of either end, instead becoming extreme middle-ground opportunists who exploit both sides.

Does an adventurous goblin priest who offers up healing for coin and uses the light and void to punish his enemies make sense?

What do you think? I’m admittedly a bit new to the lore, so I’d love to know if the above works based on how others view goblin priests and how to make a believable one for RP.


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