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what’s the best war spec rn for blitz? fury or arms? asking for a friend :blush:

Yeah the carpal tunnel is real.

Pikaboo has played every spec in the game to 2400+ in multiple seasons, he didn’t just hop into feral and suddenly learn it on the fly in 1 week lol.

For your average gamer though, players who aren’t consistently R1/Blizzcon caliber, they would see much better results if they cleaned up their gameplay rather then rerolling every season trying to cheese wins on fotm specs. It doesn’t matter how much damage you do, if your fundamentals are :poop: you aren’t progressing.

lol what idiot would ever drop feral for warrior? They do more single target, more aoe and heal plus have cyclone :rofl:


Did you go positive?

Should’ve never added boosting. Rerolling should require at least the slightest amount of effort, even if it’s still very fast during these exp campaigns.

Why not both :man_shrugging:t2:

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Tbh the game is a lot more fun when you play more than one class.

Picked up feral this season. Leveled and geared my warrior last week. Geared a shaman as well.

It takes a couple hours to level with classic timewalking. Maybe a few more hours to get 4 set and wep.

You get no points for playing something that everyone refuses to play with. The game just gets stale waiting in shuffle QS.

Problem is warrior is easy to play while feral is not…so ofc you’ll see more warriors cause it’s the most noob friendly class

I feel like that’s something feral mains say to feel better about themselves finally succeeding on a broken spec.

Picked up feral this season and hit the MMR cap in shuff on 2 druids.

Ferals and rogues have the best kits out of any melee spec. Using half of it can make anyone outperform everything else.

Enjoy stacking on me with my aoe garrote, shive and rupture rot suckas!


You’re right, once you reach a certain skill level, what matter is the kit and tuning. That still doesn’t explain why half of the warriors you see in the general population are the dumbest players for a class by far.

Warrior was my first character in Cata. I have 10 80s with all 630 ilvl(except warrior, which is bg only gear…and that will change after these buffs :stuck_out_tongue:)

So I don’t really think of myself as a Feral main, and think I’m pretty objective over what I see from the general pop

Fake news! I haven’t played feral at all this expansion despite it being OP and I’ve been suffering on my mage as arcane! XD

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Warrior is always a fotm class. They represent like half the playerbase.

Just learn to outplay FOTM rerollers. The ones who benefit from warrior buffs the most are frost mages lol

every other spec is better than warriors. warriors are disgusting zugzug chars.

Same, brother, same.

We will rise up one 10% buff soon and make the game unplayable for half a season for anybody that isn’t a hunter.

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They could have been War mains like my brother who were just tired of getting constantly poo’d on in PvP.

Arms. All you need is a paladin to always freedom you and you will do fine. Will start doing blitz on mine. those warbreaker avatar roar sweeping windows are so satisfying. Playing a class that actuslly has burst feels amazing compared to ret.

“But we get kited” again everyo e gets kited just dont charge air and go dstance when needed.