Gnomes find lost city of their kin? Gazlowe murders them and goes himself

Hey now, with goblins you know what you’re getting in for when you sign on the dotted line. With gnomes? Not so much.

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You said Gnomes are as scientific as a Night Elf Druid, and by that definition Night Elf Druids sound like scientists. As such, Gnomes are scientists.

That’s how logic works, right?

He was. I’m even exalted with his town. But they threw him in with the Horde and rewrote his character along with Garona and Voss because Blizzard seems to have lost the ability to distinguish between races and factions.

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Only if you’re a gnome or goblin irl.

You are not a gnome or goblin irl. You are a night elf irl.

War is war.

Morality is defined by those who win it.

Or he just got offered a better deal.

He IS a Goblin, after all.

It’s not like the Alliance ever gave him respect.

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Scientists in service to the enemy. An enemy that seeks to destroy us all. You’re all more than fair game… whether you wear a uniform, or not.

Winning this war is neccessary.

Winning it over your corpses… that’s Bonus.

Nah. I have black hair irl. That’s not an option for Night Elves.

It’s ok to kill gnomes though. Gazlowe straight up using that mechagnome as a shield against that death laser trap though? Hilarious. I’m starting to like him again.

Someone’s role playing on the wrong forum. And role playing a hypocrite at that:

No hypocrisy there. The most sure way to deal with would-be exterminators… is to exterminate them first.

I won’t. But I won’t be making any Alliance are the good guys posts either because they’d be doing the exact same thing if some Horde goblins were uncovering a lost goblin city.


Glad you agree with Daelin.


Don’t worry. After Sylvanas is killed off by Blizzard for this very reason, the Alliance will forgive the Horde and everyone will be the best of friends again.

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Maybe. Possibly. Context is important in both directions. Tauren or Draenei probably wouldn’t be callously offing people. Hell, even many orcs probably wouldn’t do it without real cause.

But say, Dark Irons? They’d to it for funsies, or because they know it would piss someone off. The factions are internally diverse enough that it’s hard to say “both factions will always opt for cruelty when it serves their interests.”

That said, a forced Dark Iron and Goblin collaboration would be hilarious.


I think it just comes down to a shortage of well-known Horde characters.


The Alliance murders goblins without a second thought. c.f. Goblin intro quests, Silithus, Gallywix’s palace. But the goblins don’t seem to take it personally. Life is cheap for the most vertically challenged races.

Frankly, if you’re not murdering gnomes (Horde) or goblins (Alliance), you’re not doing it right.


Just to clarify, Gazlowe doesn’t murder any mechagnomes. He murders regular Alliance gnomes in order to move in on their research and disable its defences. As for being neutral…I’m pretty sure that no longer holds true as of BfA, since he’s working with the Horde and against the Alliance throughout it.

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They even try to slap Ricket in as a Horde Goblin, when she’s always been neutral. She helped the Defenders/Avengers of Hyjal take the fight to Ragnaros at the Molten Front.

Luckily Ricket still talks to Alliance players in friendly terms even if her nameplate is flagged as unfriendly.

Dang. Next you’ll be telling me that the Alliance fleet was trying to destroy the Horde fleet before Azshara opened the sea. I mean, Genn was just looking for some extra pets, right?