Gnomeregan Raid Lockout Update - Feburary 20

If Prot paladin was in need of a buff, I’d be with you. We’re stronger together.

Easier to just try to tear down warriors I guess though.

hoping the same for you!

Not only did I crush your parses on average last phase but I am crushing them right now.

Take your own advice maybe.

tooltip remains the same but the dmg is definitely updated.

lesson learned: flaming aggrend on twitter works

I play a tank, to tank, and don’t play to parse, happy to hear about your colorful internet points! Embrace change, you’d call for a buff if Warrior was #2. Try a Shadow Priest, or perhaps a Boomkin!

Zero shot you just spent 8 minutes typing this weak rebuttal.

This is actually true, we have never in WoW’s history changed a dungeon’s lockout timer like this, so there was a degree of uncertainty on what exactly would happen. Regrettably in our testing we did not encounter the issue we are having today, but are working hard to resolve it.

One thing I did want to also clarify is that even if you had your Gnomeregan raid reset this morning as expected, it is correct behavior for your new Gnomeregan lockout to reset again on the morning of Thursday Feb 22nd, the same day as Blackfathom Deeps.

This is because all raids with a 3 day lockout timer rollover and reset on the same day and always have since 2005. So BFD and Gnomeregan will now always have the same reset days, and these raids will also line up with AQ20 and Zul’gurub later on down the line when those higher level 3 day lockout raids are made available in Season of Discovery.


Please address Armor in Gnomer!

What is there to investigate?

You told the community a raid would reset on day X but its resetting on day Y.

That’s the mistake

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Why was it explicitly stated the 3rd reset would go to the 23rd in the main post for this phase if it isn’t even true. Please work on the communication you put out to the public as a team.

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As long as it is fixed by my raid time, I will be fine with it. If it is not, I lose out on a lockout due to your incompetence is a bit frustrating. Need better communication and clear understanding of how this works. Even in this post the communication is not clear and still doesn’t align with the original communication. Just bad communication. At least this one is on the forum for the game instead of twitter. Some of us don’t use twitter or muskverse.


What I think will happen, They will restart the servers sometime soon… with their solution of deleting all lockouts currently in place, thus fixing gnomer while giving players a gift with more exp for BFD.


coming into the office eyes wide with surprise at the existence of a fire that I created myself

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Really sad to see that you deleted your reply on Twitter leaving all those first people hanging such as myself…. Wrong of you to do that and you are getting dragged on Reddit for it

Reset the lock outs for people you know are affected so that we can raid tonight

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notice how they never say “we made a mistake”.

that’s like PR 101. never admit you made a mistake!


Someone left a bagel in the toaster. :scream:

Because that opens you up to lawsuits.

((Yes, I’m aware this isn’t a big deal. But standing orders are to always deny any wrongdoing in anything.))

players have already ran gnomer since this mornings reset, dont give them a free reset

Exploit early and exploit often as they say.

Maybe they can just reset the raid ids from last night and leave the ones alone for this morning.

Mages still only making 10 water, not 20 as in the notes also.

It’s not a free reset. They’ll reset lockouts for people BEFORE the Tuesday lock window, not early morning Tuesday after the reset hit.

Let’s not be dense and jump to conclusions and the muddle this post…