Gnome RP Walk/Corpse Run

Sponsored by the Coffee Guild
Prizes: 1st- 500g, 2nd -250g, 3rd -100g

August 7th 6:30pm

  1. Must RP walk at all times while alive (may run as a corpse).
  2. No powers/buffs at all used by you or others
  3. 3 warnings, then disqualified

Route: From Dun Morogh through Frostmane Hold to Gnomeregan
Approximately 45 minute race.

a) Create a gnome toon. Starting location is Dun Morogh - Coldridge Valley
b) Join raid group by whispering Emirein: “Inv”
c) Participants will be provided a Discord Channel to join, not required, but recommended
d) Receive an item in trade which must be carried to the finish line.
e) Pick up another item in trade at a checkpoint in the cave at Frostmane Hold, which must be carried to the finish line.
f) Arrive at entrance to Gnomeregan and trade the provided two items to finish the race.

Show up! Sign up!

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