Gnome heritage armor and class

There is no rage like gnome rage.

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first day of lich king my gnome DK I dueled a tauren DK and beat them into the dirt nothing more satisifying then that

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This is kinda funny, I have a guildie that has most of her character names start with Kim as well cause that’s her IRL name, lol

Gnome hunter with mechanical pets and the secret beastmaster artifact appearance.

It clips through the floor a bit, but it’s an electric bow! Fits the overall theme perfectly. You’re essentially playing an itty bitty mechromancer.

Gnome warriors are so much fun!

  • Charge!
  • Glyph of the Blazing Trail
  • Combine charge with the emote /charge and yell “For Gnomeregan” sometimes
  • Did I mention charge?

(And no, despite it being a Gnome, “charging” doesn’t mean you have to plug it in a wall outlet)

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people say gnomes aren’t entuned with the light so they cant be pallys? pfft we got golden power cells and high powered flashlights let the silver hand keep their precious light we can make our own with engineering :flashlight:

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Can I get a hilarious situation with your gnomes that has actually happened? Something that made you say, damn I am so glad I rolled a gnome.

Make a gnome hunter so when you post on the forums your gun blocks out your face. :rofl:

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Specifically a Beastmaster Hunter with Robot Pets.

Not a hilarious moment but this is why I love my Gnomes! The determination, big guns and cuteness overload!


Okay can we get a vote going on a name for my gnome hunter

Kimbow (pet slice)
Some other name you guys come up with (cleaver use of Kim)

Kimchi (pet Noodles)

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Warrior or dk. Escape artist or the haste buff benefits them a load.

And tiny guy wearing plate swinging huge weapons is always comical

Yea for sure going to make both, just need the clever names and I’m ready to go!

I like gnome warriors

For the gnomes!

gnome warrior DWing deck pounders now there’s a sight im sure we have a few with them

Just looked up those weapons and that is going to be hilarious.

Might do the hunter first but a fury warrior gnome sounds great!

If you’re going with Engineering on the character, Clothies have the best goggles. Though, Hunters have the best non-engineering goggles.

Most of the better themed weapons for Gnomes are one-handed, many of which are also not suitable for cloth (maces, axes) and there are also a number of shields you would probably want to be able to use as well. Gnomes can’t be Paladins, and even if they could be Shamans you wouldn’t be able to equip that sweet chainsword from Mechagon rares, so it’s gonna be Prot Warrior, pretty much.

I love my Gnome Warrior. She’s been my main for most of my WoW time. Gnomes are just fun to go zooming with. Monks may be more mobile, but warriors feel like a rocket, especially if you glyph the trail of fire for charge.