Gnome - goblin engineer switch

So…got conflicting information even in classic…someone said you could go to some npc in steamwaddle port or wahtever and change from 1 to the other…is this not true? What about when your card expires?

OR…is the only way to switch to dump eng completely and re-train it? (ouch)

There is a way to do one to 300, ditch Eng then redo it all from 1 and train with the other, I’m not sure it matters which order you do it in except I think that one has items which req the specialty (Gnome I think) while the other does not.

Regardless, don’t do it anyway, it’s bugged and you won’t be able to train with the Specialty at the moment most likely if you abandon the Prof because it is bugged and they haven’t announced a fix yet.

What you do is drop engineering completely. Then you get it up to 200 again. The you go to Tanaris. Just north of Steamwheel there is a hut. Go inside and click on the book on the table. It will allow you to switch to goblin.


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#NoChanges … actually seriously I don’t know if you can change. I haven’t heard anything like that/

In Classic Wow to learn a new or old engineering spec you need to click on a book in steamwheedle port in tanaris, this doesnt cost any gold or items for quest hand in etc. Just click the book and choose which spec you wish to go.

tln thanks! so that’s actually currently functioning? See…so many conflicting opinions…

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All I know is that I have two guildies who are stuck with NO specialization because they did one, crafted all the trinkets and then abandoned to relevel only to find they cannot get the opposite spec.

I’m gonna check the bug report forums to see if there has been any traction on a fix yet one min.

EDIT : Here is the most recent post on the subject as far as I’ve been able to find. It’s still not working for most people so I advise choosing carefully and sticking with your choice for now.

I’ll test the whole book ont he table thing tonight. I mean…why would people be dropping engineering if they can just switch from gob to gnome or wahtever by clicking on these books? I wonder if any1’s actually confirmed that is in classic.

Thats how it works. I switched from Gnome to goblin a few weeks ago.


checking your video out now. However: I iwent to these books this morning and i could not click on them.

this one is right, Madseason did it on stream

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