See my hot take here is…cata westfall is better. They actually put content there. Actual story content. Maybe not the greatest ever written. But a story none the less.
Classic westfall is…RNG hell for “content”. It can be 2+ hour to make westfall stew. 300 pigs later…yes, I have that done. maybe in the next 2 more hours I get buzzard parts too!
Curious, but have you actually played Vanilla Westfall? It has the top 3 best stories within any zone on the map.
classic westfall is amazing. just kill boars on yuor way to other objectives,
Yes. But I like the detective story of cata.
Classic to me is random killing, and out of the blue comes the defias story. That actually the good bits come after you run dead mines.
Vanessa gets more exposition than her old man. we know why are in dead mines before we are there.
And rng ruins the pacing for me. 3 hours of RNG later I need to hit up a wiki to remember why I am there.
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