Glyph of Shadow "buffed"?

This change makes me both happy and sad.
Happy because shadow priest is finally playable! :smiley:
But sad because i left my priest behind for a warlock (which i love to bits) and its far too late now for me to consider returning to my priest.
I just spent the rep event getting all my reps back up on my warlock that i had before on priest. :frowning:

Could you also ask them for an option to use the old shadowform please ?:hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: :sparkling_heart:


now about those Evoker Visage changes we need :stuck_out_tongue:

please please please expand the lock customizations to other classes

i’d love to have previous iterations of EVERY shadow form as an option. loved the original one, but also enjoyed using the legion one as an undead.

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Could you please ask them for a new glyph for those of us who were already happy? I want my goldilocks shadowform back. Now, I get too much or not enough.


There are plenty of us who liked having the medium density effect. It was enough to visibly see that you were in shadowform, but still light enough to see your character if you were paying attention. When we wanted to show off our mog, we could just disable shadowform.

The current iteration with 10.1.5 looks like we’re under the effect of a strobe. Yes, it’s a little darker than without shadowform at all, but in my opinion it doesn’t look good. And to make matters worse, we are now forced into choosing between being a dark mass of pixels, or having very little effect at all.

Ya’ll couldn’t have made a second glyph instead of making the folks who were satisfied surprised and dissatisfied? I know it’s not going to be an easy thing, but you might consider adding a feature to the Barber Shop so that Priests can adjust shadowform to their preference, instead of being at the mercy of what other people think is best.


i am SOOOOO happy this change has finally came.

Let us OG shadows rise again from the uggo form that was once shadowform.

Our time is nigh!

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Not able to log in right now.
I don’t suppose anyone has a Screen Shot to show it?

Edit: Nevermind I see it on WoWHead. That is a huge difference.

Awesome (overdue) change! The only reason I didn’t played a Shadow Priest alt. Thank you

Please add in the original shadowform in some capacity, this change is awesome but there’s many of us who really miss the original version.


There was a happy spot with Shadowform.  It was the original iteration of Glyph of Shadowform.  I have not been happy with the appearance of Shadowform ever since the Legion expansion version (although the Battle for Azeroth version was an improvement over that, at least).

But this?  As much as I like being able to see my priest alt’s appearance, this is too much.  Can we please just have the original glyph back as was shown in the first Wowhead screenshot from 2011?

Give us options here.



Instead of making it a singular glyph where someone, somewhere, will inevitably be upset and displeased with the outcome…

Why not just make all Priest Trainers (or at least an NPC at the Priest Order Hall) have the ability to alter your Shadowform to any of the previous iterations?

Big fat purple fart cloud? Done.
Slightly less purpley fart cloud? Roger that.
Practically no purple aura/clouds at all? Sure.
Purple tinge w/ Neon purple highlight/accents? You got it, Fam.
Translucent + Faded Blue/Purple, easy on the smoke? Say less.

Seriously, instead of just changing the Glyph of Shadow every couple of years, just toss in an NPC, and let us Priests have a field day with w/e iteration of ShadowForm we so choose to represent. It shouldn’t be that difficult to implement…right?


Thank you for this. While I would have preferred the gylph to make Shadow Form look like the Shadow Dance visual effect that Rogues have, this is way way better than what we had before. :+1:

This. There’s no reason we can’t all be happy. Just give us a glyph with the old half-shadow, and another glyph with the new almost no shadow. I just got done removing my old glyph because heavy shadow is imo, better than this new glyph.

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Love this change to the glyph, was not a fan of the purple blob the old glyph turned my priest into.

If you could also remind them about balance druids, that’d be great.


A million times over, THANK YOU. My eyes no longer ache when I am in flight.

That’s all I’ve ever wanted.

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Hooray! Glad this was an intentional change. Thanks!

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This makes me so insanely happy. THANK YOU!


Just logged in to my priest for the first time this week and noticed it right away, I thought I had it turned off. I’m very happy with the change, I can finally see her. :purple_heart: