Glyph of Shadow "buffed"?

I’ve been tripping out because I keep thinking my shadow form is off when it’s not lol. Good change, not sure why they wouldn’t advertise something many have been asking for for years.


Because it might be an unintentional bug

I am so excited for this change! Thank you Blizzard!!!

Came here to find out this very thing. I hope they keep it like this. I’d be ok if they got rid of the shadow altogether outside of using abilities

Even unglyphed it looks nigh the same, the goo texture is just softer. I’m glad we can finally see our armor, happy to see folks enjoying it–I do hope it’s a feature and not a bug.

I just think it looks… bizarre. I’d love to have different options. Barber shop shadowforms, since they seem keen on killing glyphs altogether lately.

This change was indeed intended.

I’ve passed that along to the design team.


The UI team in general hit it out of the park with the update. It’s a much cleaner more modern-looking interface all the way around, in keeping with the Dragonflight improvements.

Now, there are some fairly ancient priest animations that could use another look… :slight_smile:

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So awesome! I wonder if the same change might be brewing for Glyph of Stars for us poor boomkin? I’ve been stuck in a blueish haze for years! :frowning:


Love that. Thank you so much for the update, and the clarification.

Or fatter missiles for Arcane Missiles instead of the skinny little things we have had since Legion.

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This change makes me both happy and sad.
Happy because shadow priest is finally playable! :smiley:
But sad because i left my priest behind for a warlock (which i love to bits) and its far too late now for me to consider returning to my priest.
I just spent the rep event getting all my reps back up on my warlock that i had before on priest. :frowning:

Could you also ask them for an option to use the old shadowform please ?:hand_with_index_finger_and_thumb_crossed: :sparkling_heart:


now about those Evoker Visage changes we need :stuck_out_tongue:

please please please expand the lock customizations to other classes

i’d love to have previous iterations of EVERY shadow form as an option. loved the original one, but also enjoyed using the legion one as an undead.

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Could you please ask them for a new glyph for those of us who were already happy? I want my goldilocks shadowform back. Now, I get too much or not enough.


There are plenty of us who liked having the medium density effect. It was enough to visibly see that you were in shadowform, but still light enough to see your character if you were paying attention. When we wanted to show off our mog, we could just disable shadowform.

The current iteration with 10.1.5 looks like we’re under the effect of a strobe. Yes, it’s a little darker than without shadowform at all, but in my opinion it doesn’t look good. And to make matters worse, we are now forced into choosing between being a dark mass of pixels, or having very little effect at all.

Ya’ll couldn’t have made a second glyph instead of making the folks who were satisfied surprised and dissatisfied? I know it’s not going to be an easy thing, but you might consider adding a feature to the Barber Shop so that Priests can adjust shadowform to their preference, instead of being at the mercy of what other people think is best.


i am SOOOOO happy this change has finally came.

Let us OG shadows rise again from the uggo form that was once shadowform.

Our time is nigh!

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Not able to log in right now.
I don’t suppose anyone has a Screen Shot to show it?

Edit: Nevermind I see it on WoWHead. That is a huge difference.

Awesome (overdue) change! The only reason I didn’t played a Shadow Priest alt. Thank you

Please add in the original shadowform in some capacity, this change is awesome but there’s many of us who really miss the original version.