Gladiator Mounts Should Not Be Account Wide In ShadowLands


So for most of us PvP players reaching gladiator should be a big goal and a accomplishment. For me when i see a player with their glad tittle and mount it shows me that the player is skilled and achieved gladiator on that specific class/character they played on. It feels good to have the glad tittle/mount, especially when someone that’s the same class as you comes up to you and asks questions on how to play their classes better.

Gladiator Mounts and tittles are going to be irrelevant in shadowlands if they become account wide. I feel like in the PvP Servers, all were going to see outside Orgrimmar and Stormwind is glad mounts. Alt characters siting on glad mounts everywhere. Characters that hasn’t even hit 2k rating siting on glad mounts. Gladiator tittle and Mount will be irrelevant soon or so afther Shadowlands drops.

In my opinion a good fix for this would be to make gladiator mounts available to alt characters that hit 2200 rating in 3v3. Its going to be really weird seeing someone on a glad mount and when you check their statistics and realize their highest 2v2/3v3 rating is 1500. Either this or remove the account wide mount availability.

What’s everyone’s thoughts on this? Do you agree that Glad mounts and tittles should be character specific?

Just make it class specific instead of account wide.


Pfft everyone has glad on all there alts rn anyway, dont see a issue lol

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Awful change, diluting what was once a prestigious title even more