Giving out hardmode loot?

At this point I have cleared more Ulduar hard mode raids than heroic dungeons.

Change of pace is good.

Lmao nice 77 avg

For ur information I have 3 yellows and 1 pink :sunglasses:

Clearly didnt read my post.
Hunters dont use nebula band.

If ur gonna brag about logs at least post on the toon w the good logs but you probably did that on purpose so you could flex the pink numbies

It’s still a dumb change btw

Also calling yourself an “actual chad” about World of Warcraft is unbelievably cringe

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Most people who actually clear hard modes every week love this change or are indifferent.

Most people who can’t clear the content also love this change.

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I don’t love it because it reduces the life of the content.

70% of 140% of all stats provided on the forum are 50% true 30% of the time.


Quick Maffs

I didn’t provide any percentages, I am merely speaking on the general vibes coming from people who are actually clearing the content on hard modes on a weekly basis. And not people posting on toons that can’t even zone into it.

You’re playing the wrong game chump.

They nerfed T4, T5, T6, Zul Aman, Sunwell
Catchup for T7
Boosted ilvls for T8
Catchup for T8

If you didn’t understand I am calling it horse radish as we cant say the words on this forum.

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We were promised an extension of ulduar content due to how much it was neglected in og wrath weirdo

The purpose of the ilevel buff was to make ulduar relevant for 2 tiers

They decided to make the nexus more relevant lmaoo

Ulduar is still relevant though? Just not the 10 man version snore chore.

Honestly, who cares? It’s 239 catchup gear, most people aren’t gonna want to be forced to run ulduar 10 hm next phase for stuff that never dropped. And ulduar 25 will remain relevant because of valanyr/comet’s trail, etc.

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People who don’t even do the content care, obviously.

Like if you got the tokens to get the bis from ulduar fine you are actually raiding

It’s the fact you have to do dungeons and it gives you a better chance of getting the loot than if you raid that is dumb

You literally don’t even have to go into a raid until togc

If ToC goes live in june, P2 will have been out 40% longer than P1.
Purpose =/= Outcome
Anyway, Ulduar is relevent for 2 tiers, the Algalon gloves for casters as a prime example are bis until ICC.

You are garbo, sit down chud.

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It’s really just adding a deterministic way to target gear really, which isn’t a bad thing. But it’s also serving as a catchup mechanic which also is fine.

As far as togc goes, we’re already way overgeared for it anyway. It was always easier than ulduar, and now we have 252 gear to make it even easier. People grinding for 239 gear isn’t going to make a big difference.

Just get better gear from ToC and show these “noobs” that you are better than them.
Who cares if one or two BiS come from dungeon. No one cried about DMC:Greatness on all the gray parsers. :roll_eyes:

This is a complete nothing burger.

Makes it less annoying to gear up alt to do the actual current raid.


You called yourself a chad your credibility is below zero

Lmao “hey guys wow chad here to explain everything”:rofl:

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