Giving out hardmode loot?

I promise you no one will run 10 man ulduar ever again unless they add the 25 man hardmode loot to it.

It was gonna get destroyed with or without it. Classic is not where you come for difficult raiding.

It’s not difficult raiding.

It’s just not raiding that falls over.

2-4 mechanics maximum with the exception of Yogg 0

It was great stop messing with it

You realize Algalon has around a 30% clear rate??

And that’s with the same people doing it multiple times so it’s prolly much lower

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Why wouldn’t it?

Bruh read the patch notes from the PTR please…

And? That doesn’t make it difficult.

All I see is this

A new vendor has been added to Dalaran; the Animated Constellation. This vendor will exchange items from Ulduar 10-player Hard Mode for a new Sidereal Essence currency.

In fact I don’t even see what you’re talking about with dungeon bosses giving you 10M HM loot.

Sigh I have to do the reading for you guys as well

  • With the release of Trial of the Crusader, Ulduar item drops will be adjusted:
    • Ulduar 10 Normal Mode items now drop from Defense Protocol Beta bosses in Titan Rune Dungeons
    • Ulduar 25 Normal Mode items now drop from Ulduar 10.
    • Ulduar 10 Hard Mode items still drop from Ulduar 10 Hard Modes.
    • Ulduar 25 Hard Mode items still only drop from Ulduar 25 Hard Modes

What makes something difficult??

Of the people raiding the majority can’t kill a boss and you’re saying that doesn’t make it difficult??


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When it comes to wrath, sure Algalon is harder in relation to most of the other bosses in the expac. But I meant in a general sense. People complaining that a vendor with 10 man HM items is going to mean TOC is gonna get “slaughtered”… My argument is that it was going to be that way regardless. It will be beat within hours of being released, same as every other phase in classic so far. Raiding in classic isn’t difficult. It is solved, there are no surprises… Any perceived difficulty comes from raiding with people who cant follow basic directions, and tolerating it for longer than you should.

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ToC in itself is a catchup raid, they technicly didn’t need to do any more catchup for this phase. So yes adding hard mode loot to dungeon is pushing it a bit far.


Youre just saying alot of fluff.

I mean was pre nerf vashj hard?

You couldnt kill it.


No one cares if a raid is hard or not… like the logic the devs follow is somewhat flawed.

Why do we get raid drops in dungeons? Whats the point of doing the raid then? Why not just bump the ilvl of items already existing in dungeons which they literally do on retail? So the raid still has a meaning for items to go for and bosses to down?

They are literally saying that the only content being relevant in p3 is toc and ulduar 25 man hardmodes and completely removing the rest putting it into dungeon spam


You’re right, cause I started playing tbc classic after it was nerfed… lol… are you trying to dunk on me? I killed vashj and kt pre-nerf in 2007 when it was current content… You’re calling it fluff because you cant accept the fact that the game you’re spending hundreds of hours a week playing, is a museum piece that people like me were beating while you were in diapers. Adding items to a vendor is not the end of the world… Not unless… this game is your whole life… then yeah man… blizz is cheapening your achievements!!!11 WOTLK raiding is hard!!!111

Exactly they are trying to put as much retail into classic as they can.


One patch away from cancelling anyway. Just gonna get my heroic Lich king kill and I’m done :smiling_imp:


Nice flex on something thats untrue. You never killed the version we had on classic then. :melting_face:


As much as you want to tell yourself its untrue, believe it or not, people beat this game over a decade ago, and did it without 50 thousand youtube guides, wowhead guides, etc… I know, hard to believe people did something without having their hand held like you

Suuuure you did, thats literally what everyone on the forum says.

You didnt beat it, and you cant beat algalon now.

I have cutting edge achievments for beating mythic raids.

So are you for calling it easy when 70% of the population hasnt beaten it…


Lets make a deal, post on your toon with cutting edge achievements, and ill post on my toon that beat kt and vashj in 2007.