Giving out hardmode loot?

ok, cut by half
bring us the math

You do the math pvp genius

nah, im not the genious
you are the self proclaimed one(even tho no1 here is rly sure you even killed algalon yourself because you only care when it comes to speaking, not to showing)

How is me completing algalon every week make me a genius.

I play the easiest tank in the game I taunt when I’m supposed to, don’t stand in bad and hit my Dsac macro.

The fact that you think algalon is out of reach is actually good if you were a raider as it gives you a goal to strive for. With a little persistence anyone can kill it, it’s not that difficult of a fight.

You aren’t a raider this thread isn’t about you and pvp is boring in mine and many others opinions.

i dont think its out of reach
is out of interest
completely different story

Most of us are playing wotlk for the raids.

Trivializing the raids is a terrible idea

I can’t make it any easier to understand

i dont agree.
so does blizzard.

This is why retail is a dumpster fire

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yet you are here, bragging about your hurt ego hidden behind a retail alt

Can we add hardcore mode for heroic + dungeons so if someone dies they have to delete their char and cant get the free hardmode loot?

Show me where I bragged

I really don’t care about pvp lmao

ego isnt always related to pvp, even tho i agree its an egocentric community

How about we just leave the wotlk classic expansion as I don’t know… a classic version of wotlk :rofl:

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I mean I don’t recall a single person Complain about this if anything people were saying Nerve Ulduar And get rid of the timer for algolon

So nobody was asking for this so okay ?

We didn’t know what was their plan about scalking item level up. It does seem a bit nonsense to buff hard mode loot just so they can give it in dungeons.

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15 dungeons for one piece of loot with a grand total of 16 or 17 slots (weapon dependent).

There are a total of 12 dungeons available, 13 in TOGC meaning you need to do every dungeon every day for 18 and a half days to get a full set of BiS HM gear…assuming one for each slot even exists. If you can do 3 dungeons every weekday and then all of them on the weekend you’re looking at almost 6 weeks to get it done.

The biggest problem H+ system has is that the system is kind of screwing over fresh/new/returning players trying to get into groups that are stonewalling them because of gearscore. These kind of deterministic systems themselves where they give players a rather slow way to get a handful of the pieces of really good gear is not actually a problem. If a player was really dedicated to just being an exclusive dungeon hero he could have a pretty decent set of gear out of it, and I actively don’t care about that even if a few of those HM 10 man pieces are still BiS for ToGC.


You know the funny thing about this? IN OG wrath you would get BiS Heroic gear and head right on into ToC with no worries. Now you’ll need BiS Heroic++ to get into ToC.

The dungeons will get steamrolled

ulduar 10 is dead so people can run the nexus 5 days in a row.

Garbage development team

All the people defending this, I hope the dungeon spammers end up in your pug pulling sub 2k dps and wiping your raid🤣


Exactly bro this isn’t the original if you want that Time Machine stuff you gonna have to really get invested in theoretical physics.

We got Cata+ to play

I would assume Ulduar will get the Naxx treatment to give people incentive to run it more.