Giving out hardmode loot?

Yes, it’s been data mined and isn’t buried or hidden. It’s in the primary and there’s an active vendor in the game.

Like others have said, this is 100% because people didn’t speak up about H+ and the abomination that it is too much. Those of us who did got call spoiled sports and told that we “hated a challenge”. Well, now it’s raining BIS Epics, Hallelujah.

The 25 man HM loot not moving is a red herring. Only guilds still finishing a Val will do those. Once they’re done, 25 man will ghost too.

No one will be doing Ulduar.

Welcome to the 30 minute raid night patch, we hope you enjoy your stay until the game dies two months after P3 launch.

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Rip uld10.

5 mans giving out raid content is so retail.

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I means, for sure the Sidereal essence is coming with Heroic ++.

My point is more if we are 100% sure that the essence will drop from every final boss in dungeons for a potential 12 essence/day or if they will do like they did for the emblems from Heroic + (drop in a bag only for the daily +). If its a drop in a bag from daily that means you can just do 1 daily dungeons by day for the essence

This we don’t know yet, they changed the reward bag 3ish times during the last patch, and once after launch.

TBH, this makes 10 man ToGC utterly pointless. There is no reason to run 10 man other than achieves. 25 man normal, because of the Ulduar gear boost, is equally questionable. The ONLY version of ToGC that is really worth running is 25 man heroic. And since they’re removing the “kill on normal” requirement, that’s all most guilds will run.

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Did you read the affix? We’ll be getting huge damage buffs from the Keepers to make up for that health increase. They’re not just making two dungeons way harder than the rest lol

lmao people will definitely be doing Ulduar.

Good thank for your response.

My understanding was we did not know at the moment but I read some people here that they are telling that all final boss will drop it like its was something official…

Was not sure lol

Once guilds have the last designated Val done, no they won’t (outside of a failed pug attempt or a “get rich quick” RMT GDKP.

We already have a horrifically bad raid logging problem with the game and little to ZERO alt generation going on due to no RDF for leveling dungeons. If players don’t see a gear benefit from it, they’re not going to do it, and a tiny iLevel increase from one boss for a HM drop is NOT going to cut it.

Ulduar scheduled nights are going to brick wall into the roster boss, hard.

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We’ll see, you could very well be right.
Going through the wowhead datamining post, looks like these are the spells that you’ll get, as they were added in 3.4.2:

Talk about crying. Yikes.

Ulduar night will be the same as ToC night lol

I have 4 80s and know a lot of people with more, I have no idea what you’re even talking about here.

Items like Comet’s Trail are bis until ICC.

And people will ghost, these changes will finish off the remaining dad guilds that have been struggling with the roster boss.

Some of us have jobs.

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Oh wow, no way? That’s insane, nobody can play this game while having a job.

Play the game, yes, have 4 80s, I start to question.

You don’t have any hardmodes loot regardless lol please

2 accounts. 2 70 boosts. Working 40 hours still leaves a LOT of free time if you don’t also have kids or something.

You said nobody is leveling alts. Maybe YOU are not leveling alts, but in general, this is objectively false. People are bringing up fresh characters constantly.

Log into the PTR right now I’ll show you my full hardmode bis

Don’t make accusations you can’t back up


I see no one leveling alts, therefore I don’t think or see it happening.
Existence is not proof if it’s not in the beholder’s eyes.
A tree falling in the forest doesn’t make a sound unless you’re there to hear it.

IE: Philosophically, no one is leveling alts.

Wow ptr bis what a joke lol

There are no vendors on the PTR so the only way to get bis on the PTR is to copy your character with bis from the actual game

Now that I’ve explained that to you,

Log into the PTR tell me your name I’ll invite you and prove you wrong

Or don’t coward

It’s not subjective at all lmfao

Have you tried opening your eyes?

Jesus Christ. Stop it.

Good to know you are a completely unserious poster and I can disregard your posts from now on LOL