Giving out hardmode loot?

I know this, I’m not entirely sure why it’s a debate at all :person_shrugging:

wow this is another level of copiun dude

The one big plus is. this should have an almost immediate effect on the price of Ulduar 10 Hm loot in GDKP’s :P. I might get that Dark Matter for a steal even before P3 :stuck_out_tongue:

because a lot of people got confused over the wording.
I personally was not confused, but as a non native speaker some things are easier to read i guess.
But since it was something that happened not only here in this forum, in this thread, but also in other platforms where the patchnotes were discussed, it seems to be something that could´ve been worded in a way that is less confusing.

You should raid with the GDKP i raid with. We basically switched into a quasi Guild state at some point in ulduar, with really stable rosters, and prices that are barely ever above the minbid.
Actually funny that the most socialicing that i experience in classic so far (outside my mains guild) came from a GDKP :smiley:

I mean there are pros and cons to that.

If I’m on a new character or after a highly valued item (usually on dps character) then that’s great. If I’m on a healer or a geared character who really doesn’t need anything contested, then everything going for min-bid is just further helping the people I’m already carrying.

Not saying it’s not still fun, but it’s not automatically a benefit. :stuck_out_tongue:

True, but since the guys i GDKP with are also part of my social wow circle, and we raid together primarily for fun and banter in voice, nobody cares that items are cheap.
If it would be a more classic GDKP which i would join to get the maximum amount of goldcut, it would be a different story.

Who cares though it won’t help you to get out of the green parse range.

A swing and a miss. Nice try tho :kissing_heart:

wtf I have to run 20 H++ dungeons to get caress? another 20 for void saber?

blizz please award 5 essences per dungeon

that is all

I bet you will get 1 from the final boss, and probably 3-5 from the daily reward

After the next tier was out.

Not in Classic? At least, not until Wrath pre-patch which is not even TBC anymore.

I got my sense of accomplishment the first time I did it 10 years ago, now i’m here for fun and socializing.

But go on though, you’re accomplished my big boy. we’re so proud of you doing it all.


Just a theory for now, but I wonder if only the titan dungeons (HoL/HoS) will drop the new currency, considering by big hp increase they got + new mechanics (diminish power and sanity).

I know people got currency from ToC5 H2 yesterday, but titan rune wasn’t supposed to be enabled till next week, maybe they forgot to take it off the loot table. And as of this morning, you’re not able to enable defense protocol alpha, or beta, on the ptr.

i logged in for a bit. I think in trade chat people we’re saying you could enable beta mode, but the buffs weren’t in, so it didnt do anything. Maybe that’s where people are getting the 1 per final boss thing.

This would be incredibly stupid and nonsensical.

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Yesterday when the PTR first went up, you could enable alpha and beta. Took a screenshot of what the beta for HoL/HoS looks like here: and here for ToC5 beta:

Some streamers cleared ToC5 beta and got Sidereal Essence for defeating the black knight here:

:dracthyr_shrug: Sounds par for the course with how the devs are treating WotLK. Just look at the amount of changes they made to feral over 3 days.
On a serious note though, HoL/HoS went from 190% HP increase to 580%, DTK/Gundrak went from 100% to 180%, and all others went to 120%.

There has to be a reason that the Ulduar dungeons had such a massive increase over the other dungeons, right? Unless its getting retuned for actual release next Friday. But then again, they also added Immortal Crusher to the Ulduar dungeons which cast this new spell

Behold! The fragile ego of a broken man! Now his most prized possession in his life, his gear, will be obtained by others!

How will he endure?!?!?!!

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They data mined that it’s actually a closed system. Every Algalon trinket bought from the vendor is ripped out of the hands of someone that got it as a drop.

Are we 100% sure about that ? I did not see any formal sentence for this.

For my opinion, I figure that the essence will only drop in a bag at the end of the daily ++ so that means we can only have essence 1x/d.

Not bis items when H++ comes out.

At least in most cases. 1 or 2 of them might stay BiS in P3, but with how good some TogC trinkets are, idk if any of them will still be BiS.