Giving out hardmode loot?

So far from what people have found out you get 1 at the very end of a H+ Beta run. Could be a cap on how many you can get per day but it could be 1 from every H+ so 14 total possible in a day. They would have to add a new quest that requires you to do them on H+ Beta or something for additional rewards from just a single dungeon run.

EDIT : Also personal loot so it isn’t like 1 per group

Also putting a cap on them sounds kind of cooked @ 40 for a 245 2h weapon. 1 a day cap would be over a month just for that weapon there is no shot

They literally announced H++ and H+++ alongside H+, what did you think would happen?

Why do you think we’ve been on these forums asking for a return to WotLK without these changes?


I’ve known that but that didn’t mean adding some other strange currency or another vendor. To be fair if they want to make hard mode loot drop it should just drop if that’s where they want to go. This is clearly some stratagem to make people farm dungeons even more because emblems aren’t enough…

So this is one of the worse to do it, and still doesn’t explain the nonsense of buffing hm loot if then you’re gonna make dungeons drop it. They should just have made 25m Ulduar higher ilvl than 10m hard modes. This whole thing is a house of cards and since the feral clown fiesta I’m having serious doubts in their capacity to do something right the first time.

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Will the currency be farmable or is it limited to the daily or something like that?

My mage is full haste arcane so I need me some hit/crit for TTW Fire :joy:

Drops from the last boss in H++ so kinda farmable.

ilvl bloat
currency bloat
dungeon difficulty tier bloat
can’t they just like blanket nerf uld by 30% or something like they did in TBC classic? why do they need these convoluted catchup systems with all this loot shuffling?

5mans are god awful, at least in raids we can chill with 24 guildies and we can have a good time

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More than that, you can exchange Ulduar 10m items for currency apparently.

Which also opens up a HUGE can of worms regarding offspec/non-needed items. Those are items people will actually potentially fight over/HR now, starting as early as yesterday assuming any items can be exchanged for currency. What’s to keep people from banking a bunch of Ulduar 10 HM items now so they can insta-buy dark-matter etc the second the vendor is realeased?

apparently it is just a bad wording on the vendor, and you can not do that.

I personally really like the gearvendor.
I mean outside of hoping for high contested rare dropping items for a big GDKP pot, what else is the profit of RNG fiesta in getting those items after all that time ?
I still lack a speedy dagger on my rogue outside of yogg 10man NHM dagger.
I have 14 or so IDs (since release of ulduar) of raiding with the rogue, no fast dagger happened. Now i can just farm the dagger for myself, without getting slapped by RNG every week once again.

If in an environment with several physical dps that are in need of Mjolnir, chances that everyone has 1 are low, and its literally a gamechanging item for some specs. Its always annoying to be on the low end of RNG in those cases, even tho its kinda expected to suffer from RNG, you can start asking the question if it is really necessary.


I’m kinda conflicted.

I think some sort of guarantee/pity system is good for the game. It sucks to run the same dungeon for 4 months without ever seeing an item, and having a system in place that gives you a limited guarantee on that one item you just never see seems like a good change. That said, implementing a system where players can infinitely farm bis or very near bis items for the current phase seems kind of against pretty much every raid design philosophy they’ve ever had… On the other hand… it could dramatically increase the number of people running H++ which would be a positive change. So I dunno

Imho the best system would be a system where you can get 1 pity item for each several weeks of raiding, like 4-8 weeks of active raiding = 1 pity item of your choice.
And then, when the next content drops a system like what is now planned, since due to new content available theres no harm in being able to have a system where alts / new players can get catchup gear faster.

I imagine that being able to buy a flare for pity currency after 8 weeks of ulduar raiding would´ve been the singular biggest hit on RMT that would´ve ever existed…

Yea I agree, though I’d tie it closer to 8 weeks than 4.

The thing with Ulduar 10 is… a lot of those items are still BIS or nearly so even going into ICC, particularly trinkets like Mjolnir. Making items that are essentially BIS/near BIS for all relevant content available through endless farming is a pretty big change. I could see if they tied it to raids so its capped/week… but making the essences available in heroics seems like a strange move…

Yep, even after sleeping I cannot understand the reason to have 10 man hm remain in Ulduar AND be grindable from heroics.

Apparently it doesn’t work both ways. You can’t exchange items for currency, but the currency does sound like it’s pretty grindable which is still a big change

A new vendor has been added to Dalaran; the Animated Constellation. This vendor will exchange items from Ulduar 10-player Hard Mode for a new Sidereal Essence currency.

What does this mean then?

And the screenshots from the PTR of items like Dark Matter and Soul-Devouring Cinch going for 15 of the new currency?

What’s the point of adding a new currency if you can’t buy stuff with it?

You can exchange currency for items. You can’t exchange items for currency, which is what the wording seemed it was suggesting.

Now that we have gone full retail… Wen RDF?


I thought that was fairly obvious, why would you be able to change items for a currency that would serve no purpose?

Bad wording aside.

I don’t think you’re following…

The wording made it sound like you would be able to exchange HM 10m items for the currency at some rate…

It was always obvious you could BUY items with the currency once acquired, be it through instance drops or exchanging other HM items

Its a bad worded way of saying “the vendor sells you the items for the currency”

I agree that it seems like a strange move, at first i was also sceptical.
But since the content is already “over” at this point, i was comparing it to a situation like we have atm: Undyinc Curse in naxxramas.
Its an item that is almost always tied to either being locked, or sold in GDKPs.
It being available with other means, even with dungeon grinding, would not impact “normal gameplay behaviour” in a negative way.
And since some items, like Mjolnir, are having such a high impact, having them behind a RNG wall is actually making alts / equipping a new player etc. much of a unnecessary chore.

But yes, for future iterations of classic content, having a pity system thats active whilst the content is active, and that is limited to 1-2 items PER CONTENT CYCLE would be probably a really good system.

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Not like it was hard anyways. Ulduar was only difficult at the beginning few weeks. Once a month went by it was already a joke.

10 man was always kind of a joke.