Giving out hardmode loot?

There were still karazhan gdkps during sunwell.

Now you just spam dungeons

It’s such a bad game experience

I havent read the argument so idk whos right, but making enemies on the forums then being afraid of someone sending you hate mail/messages is crazy :skull: :skull::skull:

People are unhinged on these forums bro just last night DNB had a stalker saying all type of threats I think they got permabanned

Yeah i saw him, but so what? You think theyre gonna find you in person?

That’s actually happened to people I’m not allowed to say names on here but I’ve seen enough

It’s the World of Warcraft forums aka mental illness central

When pixels make you cry, you should consider cracking a window.

I do not like that phrasing.

I prefer sanity challenged lol.

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Figure of speech

It means I’m laughing so hard I’m crying because of how stupid it is

If you only get one currency per titan rune beta run, it’s going to be a long grind to get 10m hardmode loot. Main-hand weapons are 30 currency, off hand weapons are 20 currency, 2h weapons are 40 currency, chest/legs are 20, accessories/trinkets are 15, and rings are 12.

It seems like you’ll also be able to exchange 10m HM loot for this currency, so really it lets you target what 10M loot you want. You aren’t going to DE Serilas for the 3rd time, instead you will exchange it for what you want.

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I do have a caress of insanity on my mage that I primarily use to open trade with people and perplex them

I can trade it in for a nebula band?

I don’t think that’s how it works I think the PTR notes wording is poor

I was on PTR this afternoon no trade in option either

That seems like a gear exchange to me.

It’s probably not active yet.

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Yeah I think it means it will sell them for the currency it’s just worded funny

yeah that could be true, i can see it now from the angle you see it from, so not as hopeful it would help hunt the elusive pieces.

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Yeah if it was like that I would support it though because you are still raiding

Anything that encourages dungeon spam I’m not really about

running 20 heroic beta’s for a chest piece though does still seem like a grind, so they definitely made it painful :slight_smile:

Although, i do suspect the daily will grant bonus currency when its fleshed out more.


Good character arc in this thread. Well done.

From not liking the new changes.

Another player pointing out how they can benefit.

Finds the struggle of still not wanting to like the changes but thinking how nice it is in the ways they can benefit.

To full support and positive words for the new changes if it works out well for them.



Good. Having to get Bis from 10m HM Loot tables when my guild only runs 25 man sucks.

2x Caress on my DK is damn near impossible for me since I can only really raid one night a week and I choose to raid 25s with my guild.

Having BiS gear in 10m HM with no real 25m HM options is poor itemization and this is a welcome change.

I bet you H++ will be more difficult than Uld 10 HM

I am fine with the change. We still need Meteorite Crystals on both of our Hpallies and now we can just get them one in two days and hopefully be done doing 10 Ulduar runs.

Hey Boogienight, do you like the changes?

We still don’t know how many currency we can get in the week.
They might add a weekly cap or 1 per day alongside the daily quest.

We still need more information on this.