Giving out hardmode loot?

Oh yeah, let me do togc 10, togc 25, Ulduar 10, and Ulduar 25 on 5 different characters. Maybe I should do Naxx too, don’t want my alt getting a 213 weapon from an heroic.


Ah yes, you’re the blizzard gestapo in this warcraft ghetto, just doing your job right?

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The numbers on the vender are designed so people log in every day for you guessed it MAU’s

These are numbers blizzard reports to their shareholders and the higher they are the better the company looks.

So blizzard directly benefits from you having to spam dungeons in addition to your 15$ a month and you get a bunch of people who don’t want to raid because dungeons are more rewarding and much easier

Trash company trash devs and they are also dishonest :heart:

Damn playing the game and doing raids for raid gear! I’m shocked.


That came about because some raiders werer going the loot drops like rain.

Blizzard stopped the rain.

Then they cried there is less loot.

And it wasn’t personal loot all to blame. Even DF group loot change hits bottlenecks, assuming RNG drops loot lol.

All of this wouldn’t be much of a problem if they didn’t buff hard mode loot btw.

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It’s bad game design who cares about the “why”

Please no HM loot from 5 mans ever.

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Well, you’ll be happy to know that you get the best raid gear from raid still.

What a great time to be alive.

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What part about “destroy” made you think difficult? I’m not understanding your jump in logic. I’ve always said retail is for difficult content and classic is for casual raids.

Ulduar 10 hard modes are a joke, who cares? I don’t think it has anything to do with difficulty. The rest just reads like an unhinged conspiracy theory.

Not from 10 man

Can’t wait to watch someone do 800 dps with algalon gear on

Why raid when you just get fed raid bis for doing dungeons

You heard it here folks wanting to play actual wotlk classic during wotlk classic is a conspiracy

You know you can still do Ulduar next phase right?

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You can still do naxx

It’s about incentives dictating player behavior

Nice willful ignorance :rofl:

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That excuse is why people justify m+ in retail, we don’t need that in Classic. Raids are the core of Wotlk and that’s how it should stay. Not just the top.

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And I’m sure everyone are still crying about Naxx being made obsolete in phase 2.


Lots of people still do naxx because it drops better gear than heroics.

Guess what drops better gear than this vendor?

Wow is slashing dragonflight prices as we speak

They are in panic mode

They haven’t figured out that bad game design makes people quit

“Maybe if we make classic more like retail”

Retail is in shambles🤣

30$ for the latest expansion come on guys we have dragons :face_vomiting:

ToC is the catchup for phase 3. And naxx isn’t obsolete as 226 gear is better than dungeon loot.

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I would have had naxx was going 90% gdkp next phase or in for ICC regardless.

At that point it be the easy paycheck for say 18 people max geared taking 7 people who’d pay for gear.

Seeing even titansteel creep up in price weekly now…by ICC one could be better off on a buyer run. It could be cheaper lol.