Giving out hardmode loot?

the funny bit is this really helps raiders out.

Some if not many who favor pvp could not give a rats butt about the raid. Ideally content is better when all there…care. They want to be there, and this in theory has it better for all.

It works both ways. When carebears slum it in pvp for fillins…they don’t get why pvp’ers correct often. We have our ways. raid had theirs.

You can tell the bears, or trolls, in pvp.

Dude, chill, its jsut a gy.

No its not just a gy. It’s SH gy…leave it alone. Its part of the turtle summoning ritual and is forbidden.

Especially with so many bots. One night horde had about 12 to 15 bots spawn at SHGY and run to IWB. All the time. Yes, they were farmed lol.

Sure just give people full 232-239 gear when they ding 80 it doesn’t even matter. Why then can’t they just release all raids if loot we get doesn’t matter? loot is the main reason to stick around for a patch.

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People should have to raid to get hardmode raid gear even if it was the same system you should be raiding imo

Yes, get your loot from ToC and Ulduar 25 HM.

You still gotta do H++ for the gear. Stop being so sour about your gear getting outdated on a new patch like it has been for the last 15 years.

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Stop devaluing people time, that’s the main thing with mmo giving player progression. Else just give us the content.

We dont need blizzard simps as part of any conversation thankyou.

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Ulduar is so much better than these dungeons

But the devs are obsessed with rewriting history

Rewarding players more for going into the oculus than going into ulduar is retail garbage

Sure, if it’s current content. But adding it as catchup gear for the next phase isn’t hurting anything. It’s a big benefit for people because a lot of groups aren’t going to do full runs of Ulduar anymore. A lot of groups will probably just do algalon runs and beyond that Ulduar 10 is pointless because of togc 10.

I can’t believe I’m agreeing w you

Also what algalon runs exactly?


My point is that without the gear on the vendor people would just be doing FL/XT/Algalon and skipping everything else. You still might see groups doing that for 25 man as well.

Your time wasn’t completely wasted.
They aren’t handing out ToC gear or HM 25 Ulduar gear. It’s called catch up for a reason. Ulduar 10 HM gear is completely outdated with ToC at the exception of dark matter and meteorite crystal.

You are making a mountain out of a molehill over something that is beneficial for alts and PvP.

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That would be a lot cooler

Farming algalon is not a bad thing because it’s raiding

Stop trying to force these dumb dungeons on everyone

It’s devalued, I didn’t say wasted. It’s maybe nothing for you, but it matters for other people. If it doesn’t matter any of this for you then you shouldn’t have an opinion on other people but no youre here arguing for it.

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I constantly berate Blizzard for being a trash company that spend 0 resources on Classic.
Me being a CC member doesn’t make me a “simp” to one of the worst video game company in the west.

People are still free to do it, it’s not like they’re taking ulduar away. Just do it and if it doesn’t drop then you can farm it another way. Nobody is forcing you to use the vendor, you can still just do the raid.

To progress in raids in retail you gotta spam mythic plus for gear…

They are bringing their toxic sludge over here.

Keep it in your pond. Better devs made wotlk

It matters to me and people who wants to play alts and PvP without having to do 30 raids a week.

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So you just want gear to be removed so you can play everything without having to do hard content?

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Killing algalon and togc is…30 raids a week?

Your credibility is gone

Well if you’re still doing ulduar 10 then it’s probably 4 for a single character. Some people have a lot of characters so probably at least 6~ depending on how many alts you have.