Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

I can agree with that. Sounds good to me.

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Iā€™ve got friends who are furriesā€¦can we not drag them through the mud for an example, theyā€™re not bad people.

Sad to say but we might not get a blue post till our comment numbers hit 10k. Either way come on already give Worgen tails. Give them equal amounts of customization but more so their tails, skimping them on such all these years is just so dumb. What is the dev team full of people like Chespin or some crud?


Then letā€™s get it to 10k girls and bois

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As Iā€™ve said before Iā€™m what people call a furry and I make a living streaming based around my character Asheru Swiftwind. There is nothing wrong with that nor do I put any of my time of focus into any of the ā€œotherā€ aspects of the Fandom. Sure there are some messed up things out there but I actively choose to avoid that. If people feel they need to try and insult me for itā€¦ so be it. I learned long ago I donā€™t care what people say about me I will live the way I want with the choices I make. Just like most groups out there they all have some ā€œdarkerā€ aspects to the Fandom and you should be judged by who you are and how you act not generalized by a first glance of a label.

Road to 10k!

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Man, is the whole ā€œrobbed/theftā€ thing the new buzz for when another player race requests/gets things that somebody personally doesnā€™t approve of? Yikes.

Give worgen tails.

And give them their old hair styles back + mane colours while weā€™re at it.

If any race was actually robbed of something, itā€™s worgen. They actually lost a good chunk of their customizations from their alpha models and we still donā€™t have the same range back.


Donā€™t take any of [redacted]'s arguments as coming from an honest place. They are just here to stir people up. They have devolved from believable misunderstandings, to lies, to just chest beating at this point. This is actually my second reply to you because the first was mass reported and deleted within minutes. For that to happen this early in the morning removes any question I had in the original post as to the honesty of [redacted]'s intentions or their coordination with others.

Troll confirmed.

@any mod who wants to say Iā€™m targeting someone, [redacted] is already violating this policy, and Iā€™m responding to the loose moderation of it

Causing disturbances in forum threads, such as picking fights, making off topic posts that ruin the thread, insulting other posters

[Redacted] has had their chance to make their opinion and defend it. Instead they target posts about worgen, claiming to have been stolen from and other similar comments. Then reports replies when they manage to manipulate a reaction. Choose your own descriptor for that because apparently mine for when someone does that accidentally (which I no longer believe anyway,) went over the line.

I just wanna point out that out of the 1.1k+ unique people that have replied in this thread, only about 10 people have actually said theyā€™re against it. Thatā€™s less than 1%.

Iā€™m also pretty sure the give worgen tail post is the most liked forum post of all time. No idea how to check, but at 1k+ likes, thatā€™s definitely really impressive!


Make this happen Blizzard. Doesnā€™t matter if we have to wait till 10.0, we just want some kind of confirmation!



Road to 10k!!!


Every fandom has dark sides to it sad to say, being hated on for playing an anthro character is just the most silly one Iā€™ve seen lately. Also my furry friends have told me to mention this after my last post but by no means is the furry fandom related to or having anything to do with those freaks into bestiality. Any of those people are not and shall never be considered or accepted as a furry. Nobody seems to understand this lately but back on topicā€¦worgens need tails lets get them their tails as they deserve them after all this time of being ignored for cosmetic options

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Yeah [Redacted] is a pain and nothing they say is really worth commenting on.

Nice to get free bumps from them though.

I say all this often responding to themā€¦

But hey at least they convinced me to make a proper list. shrug

Silver linings.

But not too silverā€¦ cause weā€™re worgenā€¦


If anything [Redacted]'s post are good for a laugh but not much else these days. I just wish theyā€™d stop using the term furry as a slur or insult. Watch Worgen will get their tails and theyā€™ll go nuclear about it demanding worgen get their tails chopped off and taken away because hey thatā€™s how [Redacted] tends to be these days.



Yā€™know I wasnā€™t going to use a tail until [Redacted] got on my nerves.

I support optional tails but it wasnā€™t for me, but now Iā€™m gonna use it in their honor.

Far as the furry bit I donā€™t see why folk get so bent out of shape about furrys. Theyā€™re normal people.

You just only hear about the bad ones cause they did something.

All the hate for em is ridiculous.


yes, please give worgen tails.

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Am I not silver enough? Do I have to use the all white fur, is that what youā€™re telling me? I want to keep my black stripes you canā€™t make me

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This picture looked so natural that it took me a good minute to realize it was even edited.

I think thatā€™s not an edit but one of the major private servers has as an option. If I remember correctly. And yes private servers bad but if they can make it work so can Blizzard.

It is edited actually. Just something I put together on photoshop really quick as a example of what worgens could be having instead of just the 4 or 5 options we currently have. Iā€™ve shown so many people the stark difference between the worgen options and all the other races options, and pretty much everyone agrees that worgens definitely need more options. Especially considering we had way more options BEFORE Cataclysm even released on the alpha models.

I think he meant werewolves and silver, especially in bullet form, usually donā€™t mix. :wink:

Battlecruiser operational!

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are you calling me a monster now? thatā€™s it im about to throw claws.

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