Give Worgen Tails

wait there’s no tail in the original picture; IS THIS PHOTOSHOPPED

sad :wolf:

or is that the original picture

It’s kind of telling that they keep commissioning writers and artists to depict worgen and they just assume the worgen have tails.


That’s Photo shopped every other image has the tail showing. Board game geek and every other preview of the game has the tail. Notice Blizzard edited the post.


Are you kidding me. Blizzard employee! How dare you! I see you trolling us! Even the website that sells it has a tail!


Oh wait yeah, board game geek definitely has the image. I find it kinda weird that blizzard photoshopped their own product to hide this… I once again repeat myself.



They really went up in there and doctored it to not show a tail. Like specifically to do that. What the heck. On the international one that you can purchase it, the actual game shows a tail, then they doctored the image above with no tail. IT’S A CONSPIRACY!


give worgen tails. sound too goofy or dumb? go look at a mechagnome deathknight.


edit: That actually hurts a little xD Seeing that worgen have a tail but mine doesn’t. NO WORGEN IN GAME HAS ONE YET.
Keyword: YET
FIGHT TO THE BITTER END WORGEN! Blizzard will cave eventually!


I saw we keep fighting for one till Blizzard grows up and gives a reason as to why options aren’t allowed for Worgen. Some will say oh you get extra options cause you can customize human and Worgen form. Lets be honest only RP players (And this isn’t an attack against RPers) use the Worgen human form. So give us an optional tail Blizzard the bones are there and no it would not cost us a raiding tier for you guys to for once in your lives give Worgen players something they asked for without a 10 year wait.


Kinda make it sound like Blizz owes you or somethin’, my guy

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I mean we are their customers. They only exist because we give them our money.

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We do pay them. So yes it would be nice to see them put some real time and effort into the race we play. The biggest thing is the optional tail gives our Worgen form options that we otherwise don’t have. Its nice that human and Worgen form can be customized separately, but even with the new colors the ears and mane braids in the hair still leave Worgen looking all the same. The optional tail would give a much more unique look.


Also just 'cause my wolf needs a tail.


Wanting something is one thing, demanding for them to do something you want is another. If we all tried to have something we wanted because we pay for the game, then we wouldn’t have a functioning game


Thing is the structure is already there. The only thing that needs to be done is add the optional tail. The bones for the animation are already done. Of course every little thing can’t be done but this is something that people have wanted for Worgen for some time now. Why someone is against something that is optional and gives the race more look options just seems odd.


Gib worgen tail options.

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Isn’t it for the female model only? Haven’t heard anything about the male model having bone structure for it.

If that’s the case, you’ll end up having the Panderan situation we do right now

Which would be fine as the original concept art had tails on females only, which stays with the fact only male Worgen were originally in the game and they had no tails. Don’t get me wrong more options are always better when it comes to character customization.

Nawh. It wouldn’t be fine. That’s be whack

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I can demand what I please. Watch me:

I demand a tail for my worgen.