Give Worgen Tails

‘Classical werewolves’ refers to the depiction of werewolves in folklore which has been either written or verbally passed down. One of the classical depictions of werewolves was that if it had a tail and looked like a wolf, it was a wolf, but if it looked like a wolf and had no tail, it was a man-beast or werewolf.

As for werewolves having tails until the 1940’s monster movies, I’ve never heard nor read anything about that. After all, tails on an already “full body werewolf outfit”, which to be fair were minimum in the 1940’s and beyond, likely weren’t terribly expensive to create. If anything, it would be the cheapest thing out of the entire set. I can create a somewhat real wolf tail for… maybe under five dollars, if not less depending on how real I want it to appear. But then again, depending on who wrote it, the wolf may have a tail or not. Most stories have werewolves with no tail.

Yes. I’d like worgen to look like werewolves and less like furry OCs.


To now, I had defended your right to hold an antipodal opinion…but now you’ve descended into “don’t like it, lump it” or “if you have a problem with it, go somewhere else” territory. Lazy trolls use that sort of dubious ‘logic’.

I am disappoint.

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Eh. Not every one of my posts has to be done with hours of research, like the last one.

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One day, I am going to go through this 2000+ post thread and count how many unique players want vs the naysayers.

Rest assured I can probably count at least 100 people who want tails compared to like 5 against. shrug

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Probably yeah

Yet Blizzard has always been depicting High/Blood elves as fair skinned yet they changed that this expansion… If they changed that when that is highly lorebreaking (compared to no actual lore written about worgen tails), then perhaps it is YOU who should respect change.

Raedolf, seriously dude, we’ve heard your stance and you continue to argue flawed logic. It’s really annoying.

Okay, grumpiness aside because of lack of sleep, still… GOING TO BED.

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Seem to be kinda stuck on that.

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Speaking of said research…one can always skew their results in favor of their own argument by simply presenting only the portion of evidence that supports it. This same sort of ‘proof’ was presented weeks ago, and was countered by links showing timeworn wood carvings and charcoal drawings that depicted werewolves with tails. All one has to do is do an image search of werewolves to see that the with/without ratio is pretty darn even.

In the final analysis, this only proves that there is no such thing as concrete lore on what is, in essence, a fictional subject. This lends credence to the determination that a tail OPTION is an acceptable compromise…unless pig-headed denial of other player’s preferential choices brings one a strange sense of gratification.

Oh, please…irony, much?


About as stuck as you are with your dumb logic. The arguments are very much the same except for a different race. You can’t protest one and not the other.


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So i can strangle you with my bare tail.

That’s the thing, I did not speak in absolutes. In fact, he person I was replying to said “always”, whereas I said werewolves are depicted in a variety of ways.

The point is that this is how worgen are depicted. Whether it’s your favorite type of werewolf or not.


Leyami, I love you but uh, yeah, I’ve already posted a MASSIVE number of pictures of werewolves with tails. I know these people are going to be lazy and not look it up. I will just leave THESE TWO VERY RECENT FORMS OF WEREWOLVES WITH TAILS



Love that WtA:e trailer! Been waiting for it since the teaser. And excellent depiction of Garou.

I would place my bets on this happening now with as much customization that they are adding… I mean they are givin Nelves some leaves finally! :innocent:

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Moronai please don’t. I don’t agree with Raedolf but we are discussing the points to see if we can hit common ground. Attacking someone like that makes your post no better than the kids screaming they don’t want furries in the game. For the most part everyone can have an opinion and we can discuss our points in a valid discussion. Save the get out of here for someone not willing to talk but just uses insults. Thank you! :slight_smile:

Raedolf you said several remodels. As far as I know Worgen have only been changed 3 times. Once in the alpha model to the 2nd worst model in wows history. Once in Legion when we were rescaled from 7 foot to 6 foot 10 inches which was even more lore unfriendly. And finally when they HDed the model replacing the heads for females and brining the models up to date with the other player models. When we first asked for changes to Worgen we were told it would cost us a raiding tier to change them and thus we were stuck with the perma snarl for 10 years.

Also Raedolf I saw you posting nothing but love in my nelf worgen thread :frowning:
Darn you why you pull at my emotions like dis?!

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Has my wolf got a tail yet?


one day ill wake up with a tail on my butt


Good to see this get over 2k replies! Keep it up!


Give worgen Rouge the bat.