Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Completely agree. For a core race especially it is astonishing how much Worgen are neglected by the devs.

For me personally they would need a model revamp (and a neutral status like Pandaren) to actually play as one, but Blizz… seriously, give Worgen fans some (positive!) attention. It’s about time. :sweat_smile:

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what if they gave you a glitter tail that was sparkly


I think you responded to the wrong person. I don’t play Worgen, but I’m pretty sure Worgen fans here don’t really want your suggestion either. :sweat_smile:

Just want to see who is going to like this post.

because you chuckleheads keep responding to him

Liked it just cause Hamburger said something.

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If they’re going to make that argument, they should ask for more tails, like cat/bunny/fox tails. And they should ask for ears too since we already have a rabbit ears option. Because somehow adding tail belts is anti furry or something…?

Especially since all of the hardest modeling work, the bones and animations, are apparently already done and we just need art assets to attach to them and all the menu options.

Keep in mind, most of that is simple reclors or stuff they should have gotten from the start like ear length. It didn’t take much actual work compared to something new.

Poor Worgen DKs…

Especially in a post Drakthyr world.

They really should do a pass on the races with the fewer options to bring them all up to par.


Idk about textbook… I think a true furry example of vulpera has larger assets than we do in wow. Just my guess though, if anything we’re cute and fluffy but idk how being cute and fluffy would count us as a traditional furry example

on another note… #GiveWorgenTails

This is a known forum troll who has half a dozen or so alts to post with. Blizzard is aware and has decided he doesn’t violate forum COC despite having violated nearly every rule in the forum COC on a regular basis. He usually posts on a nightelf demon hunter, but often uses his worgen for obvious reasons here.

That is a lie. I always post on my only main - thelion.

Read my posts, I have not trolled you in any form. Yes, I am discussing it with you guys. there is a difference. I am sorry you don’t like a discussion. It cant be one side if you make a thread on GD.

You need to read it once again. then come back here.

Another lie. I dont even play DH. Any customer support if you ask would have confirmed this as I dont have a DH.

I dont use my Worgen, i use my Tauren.

#notailsforworgen, #forzazeroth

Boy that was one heck of a Freudian slip on your part.

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There’s 56788756 squintillion animal-humanoid races in this game, if they’re worried about that they’re playing the wrong game.


DO you even know what that means?

google. com

Freud·i·an slip

/ˌfroidēən ˈslip/


noun: Freudian slip; plural noun: Freudian slips

  1. an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings.

Yep, dead on. You do realize I was responding to you, not about you right? You should have with:

…but I guess you’re just not the sharpest tool in the shed. It explains much.

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He keeps saying Werewolves have tails too then gets upset when he gets called out for it. But its ok we can forgive Hamburger for his slips. He is working hard to keep this thread up top where it belongs as he joins our cause to get Worgen optional tails! You are doing great Hamburger keep it up and one day we will make you an honorary Worgen.


I am so confused with Cur. Maybe you can help me understand what this good boy wants ?

he wants more head pats?

Cur wants optional Worgen tails. Help us get them Hamburger. Help us help you to get optional tails for Worgen players.



Also give Worgen the auto-shift toggle drakthyr get please!


That would be nice, but I’d need them to fix the camera first. Everytime my Worgen shifts into combat my camera gets wonky.
Works fine if I transform before combat, but you often don’t get that option. A small sized squirrel can set you off, apparently.

Yeah and it’s not like those of us who play an animal race are running around in our underwear dancing in town or any other scandalous thing. They do that in Guild wars though… boy do the charr in guild wars love doing that. If I had a dollar for every time I’ve seen a charr dance party in that game I’d have enough money to at least buy persona 5 royal for switch… or maybe a shop mount in WoW. Maybe both… in Wow though… nah I maybe see a tauren guy shirtless but that’s the most of it. Probably a good thing we can’t hide pants… given some of the options male dracthyr had for their visage… but anyways um…#GiveWorgenTails

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