Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Sleep well.

I got distracted. Here, have a manuscript from ca. 1200 that depicts one with.

h ttps://


This is not a credible report.

If you are going to link something, try and be authentic atleaset ?

Kinda need more context than just the picture, what is it from?

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Detail of a miniature of two werewolves: the cursed husband on the left, and the priest administering last rites to the dying wife on the right; from Gerald of Wales, Topographica Hibernica, England (perhaps Lincoln), c. 1196-1223, Royal MS 13 B. viii, f. 18r

EDITS: frick trying to freehand a quote block. Cited text is at h ttps://


Thanks for following up, fair point.

For even more context, I actually know that story as I’d stumbled across it during research I was doing for a short story that I need to get back to editing with a Byronic werewolf protagonist.

The short version is it’s a story wherein a priest (who was probably originally not Catholic) is sought out by a werewolf because although it’s perfectly normal for them to turn into wolves for a while sometimes, his wife is about to die and needs to receive her last rites (again, the original likely was something akin to the priest needing to perform a funerary rite, but we have very few Irish myths that weren’t corrupted to Hell and back by the Catholicisation of Ireland). The priest in the story follows reluctantly, and on confirming that the wife is, in fact, dying and is not, in fact, usually a wolf, he administers her last rites so that her soul is safe.






Its quite easy to dismiss and ignore any dissenters since not one of them has any evidence that worgen cant have tails, and any they cite immediately contradics them.

I’ll use the straight back orc example since its come up before, Thrall was originally not straight backed in WoW but was always depicted as having a more human like posture in the books, specifically cause he was raised by Blackmoore. If giving all Orcs that option didn’t “warp” or “distort” the lore then there is no reason to believe that Worgen getting optional tails would. Thats just a fact at this point.

Same thing with the once “smoking gun” that those against used with the little mistake with Genn by Golden. All that was confirming was Genn doesn’t have a tail, thats it.

I mean, you can not agree with Worgen tails, but not sure why you would since they would be optional. People can and will throw the flimsy “but muh lore” defence back in your face cause yes, lore matters, but there isn’t anything in lore that says they cant.

It really just comes across as having a irrational fear/hate toward anything you see as part of the made up “furry agenda” and hiding behind dishonest and disingenuous arguments.


I don’t really think it is about hate towards furries. A very consistent anti person in this thread plays a humanoid cow… I mean… come on. :joy:
That person would technically have to hate themselves, aswell as Pandaren and Vulpera. Especially Vulpera are the textbook definition when it comes to a furry look.

So yeah, pretty sure it’s not a furry thing, but rather a “I’m bored and like to troll people” thing.

His claimed ‘stance’ is that tauren aren’t furries, but vulpera, pandaren, worgen, and Highmountain are.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with asking, and it’s good business to keep the customer happy. There are many examples of player requests becoming new features in this game.


Honestly I’ve always seen them all as people with beastly features. I really don’t get this thing about them being animals. They walk upright like us, they have two hands and feet like us and they speak any language that we do. They live and thrive in cities and have families just like ours. They are people.


Technically speaking they are all anthropomorphic animals. Animals, who act like humans and usually (not always though) are designed after a human example.

So you can call them Furries, if you really want to, but I still wouldn’t call people, who like to play animal characters in video games Furries. At least not all of them.

As for me, I really like Tauren and I would play Worgen, too, if they had a better model and are neutral, but I’m perfectly normal in rl, no costumes in my closet or walls full of furry fan art and such. :sweat_smile:

Worgen need tails, its a simple as that
blizzard get at it.
VE got all kinds of cosmetic changes, more than anything else
lets turn out attention to worgen which have requested this for a long time


Aren’t VEs behind HMT and Nightborne when it comes to customizations? No new hair styles, no cosmetics etc. As far as I’ve seen they didn’t get any unique customizations with the last Legion races update. I know LFD received some stuff… but it seemed rather underwhelming, too.
That being said, the amount of customizations for all races in this game are laughable for a modern game in this age. I really wish Blizzard would add a ton of more options and not just like 3 more hair colors here and there every few months. :sweat_smile:

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The problem with your belt suggestion is that it would require blizzard to make an optional tail for ALL races, including those that already have one - due to the nature of it being a transmog item. That would be a lot more work than just giving worgen a tail option in race customization/barbershop.

Void Elves are the only race that got customization options every single time they added more, even the dark ranger stuff


Compare them with HMT and Nightborne yourself :man_shrugging:
It looks to me as if they have way less options. But again, that doesn’t mean that HMT and Nightborne shouldn’t get more. ALL races need more options. So please don’t understand it as such. I feel like wow players often times get really toxic when it comes to “who deserves what”. All of them deserve more. ^^

I did, and you are correct (despite what I said also being correct). Crunching the numbers yielded that Highmountain male and female unique appearances were 285,702,681,600 and 936,404,582,400 respectively and nightborne male and female unique appearances at 429,185,433,600 and 153,280,512,000 respectively. While void elf male and females are 18,510,366 and 9,789,120 respectively (separating the void and high customization options cracks down on the numbers here by around half).

But, just for curiosity sake, I also did worgen form which male and female came out to 4,324,320 (177,840 for dks) and 1,382,400 (47,808 for dk) respectively. I included DK counts for worgen as their largest customization option, eyes, is not available to death knights.

Now I could be mistaken on exact numbers here but it should still demonstrate how little the worgen actually got compared to everyone else and why worgen players would like to see more options - like a tail