Give Worgen Tails (Part 1)

Let me break this down cause its a bit complex.

In WoW lore druids shapeshifting is calling on an animal spirit thus why druids have the various forms such as feral, bear, travel, Ect…

Worgen become more complex as Worgen are a cursed version of the druid Pack form which was a wolf like form however because Pack form comes from the Ancient Goldrinn, a wolf who was legendary for his ferocity, it was an very uncontrollable form and thus was forbidden to use. (Long story short) A druid used the form and attempted to control it with the Scythe of Elune… it didnt work and they were banished to the emerald dream. Later on they were brought back to Azeroth by Archmage Arugal and they spread the curse to the people of Gilneas who had been secluded behind the Greymane wall.

Druids take form at will just the same as Worgen for the most part however combat/times of stress cause Worgen to be unable to change back. It took the Scythe of Elune and a Night Elf ritual just to regain the ability to no longer be feral. Like I said when a Worgen dies they don’t transform back into a human. And there is no curing the Worgen curse. The Worgen HA questline has the following:

Tess Greymane: If you will not pass the worgen curse onto me… then I will ask our champion to do it.
Genn Greymane: You know not what you ask. To be forever torn between rage and reason. To fear for your loved ones whenever they are near.
Mia Greymane: Tess, becoming a worgen is a choice that cannot be undone. But there might be another way to gain the understanding you seek.


I was looking into this more and found this reddit post, is this guy correct?


Side bar:

I both love and hate that questline so much.

I think it sent entirely the wrong message, and I feel like it was gearing up to go in one direction, but some muckity muck decided that we couldn’t shake the status quo or that it would be ‘giving in to the furries’ or some nonsense, so instead of a nuanced story we got “Yeah, worgen form looks cool, but it’s totes not worth it.”

From freaking GOLDRINN.

Bold choice to copy paste directly from the same page I posted which specifically says they do not have tails…

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No that’s just someone’s opinion. The werewolves of fokelore were no different from common animals. That’s why they were burned at the steak cause there was no telling an accused shape-shifter from the animal. If it was simply an issue of no tail you could tell a shape-shifter every time.

The no tail thing came in later once movies started depicting werewolves and the cost of making such an appendage would have been too much or too technical for the times. Now you have both depicted and neither is wrong as you have both wolf men and werewolves or lycanthropes.

That same page has a wood carving from 1722 depicting a werewolf with no tail. Now I am actually curious where you are getting your information from.

And other images that do. Hence why we want it to be optional so it’s up to the player to choose. The concept art for Worgen had tails but Blizzard changed the model due to running out of time before Cataclysm hit live servers and the model they released was a terrible abomination brought about by Blizzards haste to release a model. The Worgen curse is magical in nature so just have Goldrinn bless Worgen players and you can add anything you want to the curse more options will always be better in the long run and let’s be honest it’s not effecting your game play if I choose to have a tail on my Worgen.


So they spend $1000 on a suit but dont want to spend extra $20 for tail. That is what you are meaning here.

Do you really think that was the reason? Or could it have been, well if a rabid werewolf bites a human? he has all the characteristics of humans and the abilities of a wolf.

You think all furrys have a fur suit? Hamburger please I know you are not that ignorant.

Oh wait your talking about movies. It depends on the movie if you think any movie is getting away with only spending 1000$ on a suit… oh my sweet summer child. Most films budgets are spent on either the actors or the special effects. Just the budget for one of the most simple effect werewolf movies for the Wolf Man was 180,000$

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As I said, I don’t care if you have a tail. My point is werewolves in folklore, historically have not. FYI there are zero with tails on the wiki page. Closest is a man wearing a wolf skin that has a tail.

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It depends on where the lore comes from. Some had it some don’t.

Which historical lore depicts them with tails?

How can i like this post more than once?

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You just did. Don’t worry.

All of this.

It’s ridiculous that they went the way they did there.

The curse is our strength.

Tess should have become a worgen.

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Any of the depicted lore from ancient Greece where Lyconan and his sons were turned into wolves for trying to feed Zeus human flesh, there are Norse tales as well. There is alot of lore about it but it’s 1:13 in the morning here so I’m calling it a night for now I’ll give you more if you want.

I hope you have lovely werewolfy dreams.

Just dream of the day we get an optional tail and more stuff for Worgen in general. We have been waiting 13+years for it. And will continue to wait as long as we need.

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I’ll do my best.

I mean I so sorry I’m on my phone in bed and sleeps trying to take me so I’m making reading and typing mistakes. Night everyone!